The Bollard has a report on some ongoing changes at The Freaky Bean Coffee Co. including the spin-off of the Yarmouth and Falmouth locations back to the original owners of Maine Roasters Coffee and the opening of a new location in Scarborough. According to the article, last September when Freaky Bean was “in every town around Portland, it seemed just a matter of time before the company would enter Portland proper and challenge local favorite Coffee By Design on its home turf. But in the months since that article appeared, the cup has gone cold.”
Year: 2009
Blueberry Files/Bresca
A new food blog, The Blueberry Files, has published a review of Bresca.
I had a great time, and really liked the attention to detail… like the fois gras slices on parmesan crips that came out at the beginning of our meal from the chef (who is a woman, hell yeah!). And I love going to a place where the menu catches me slightly off guard by using ingredients I’ve either never had or never heard of.
Food $
An article in today’s Press Herald examines how the recession is changing the way Mainers spend their food budget.
People are eating out less often, and when they do go out, they order cheaper items and skip extras, such as dessert and alcohol, according to owners of local restaurants.
Maine Mead Works Tour
The blog Portbrio has posted an interesting article about the Maine Mead Works. It includes a number of details about the mead making process and photos taken during a tour of the manufacturing facility. According to the article, Maine Mead Works will be launching its second type of mead, a semi-sweet, in the first week of February.
Press Herald Reader’s Poll
The Portland Press Herald has kicked of its 23rd Annual Reader’s Poll. There are categories for Maine’s Best Restaurant, Best Cheap Eats, Best Lobster Roll, Best Coffee, Best Bakery, Best Pizza, Best Bar, and Best Beer. You have until February 27 to place your vote online.
In the article announcing last year’s poll results when Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks came in #1 and #2 for Best Coffee the Press Herald admonished readers to “Think local, people. We know Dunkin Donuts has good, reliable coffee and that Starbucks has taken over the planet, but the purpose of this poll is to tell your fellow Mainers about local options.”
This Week’s Events
Thursday night Slow Food Portland is hosting their annual Writer’s Night at the SPACE Gallery. There are two cooking classes scheduled this week: at Piatto per Tutti tonight and at Paciarino on Friday. There are three wine dinners is taking place this week: at Bar Lola on Tuesday, and at both the Foreside Tavern and Cinque Terre on Wednesday. The Great Lost Bear is holding the Brew Pub Cup competition on Thursday. The Scarborourgh Wine Outlet has a wine tastings scheduled for Saturday. For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.
The Wine Bar
1:00 a.m. Curfew has reviewed The Wine Bar.
I planned to spend a good twenty minutes digging into the wine menu. Instead I found a dry-erase board with the night’s varieties – just six whites and five reds! There were eleven choices if you don’t count the five port and dessert wines listed on the menu. I have to admit I was disappointed.
Five Fifty-Five
Type A Diversions has reviewed Five Fifty-Five.
Five Fifty-Five is casually elegant; the cuisine is creative, yet not over-the-top; portions are generous without being overwhelming. It’s the one of the restaurants I always take foodies visiting from out-of-town, the respite I seek after a long week at work, and is on the short list of spots I go when celebrating a special occasion.
Port City Music Hall
After some delay, Port City Music Hall has opened for business. According to PCMH’s blog, State Senator Justin Alfond was a great help in getting their liquor license. The music hall is currently operating on a 30-day temporary license.
Fore Street
The Portsmouth Herald has reviewed Fore Street.
The restaurant isn’t fussy either. When you think accolades from big shot organizations and magazines you needn’t think pretentious or fancy when it comes to Fore Street — it’s warm, welcoming, entertaining, relaxed and above all, delicious.