Maine Spirits Calling (UPDATED)

Today’s episode of Maine Calling on MPBN radio will take a look at the evolving craft distilling industry here in Maine.

Host Keith Shortall will be interviewing bartender extraordinaire John Myers, Joe Swanson from Maine Distilleries and Ned Wight from New England Distilling.

The radio show airs at 12:15 on 90.1 FM. I’ll post a link to a recording of the show once it’s available.

Update: The audio recording of this interview is now available online.

Gelato Fiasco Empact100

The Bangor Daily News reports that Gelato Fiasco is being recognized by Empact100, an organization that highlights “the impact young entrepreneurs make on our economy and an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs”.

But this is one business that has turned into anything but a fiasco, as a national organization called Empact100 has taken notice. Davis and Tropeano are among 100 up-and-coming entrepreneurs who will be honored later this month at the White House.

Under Construction: Tony’s Donuts and Frosty’s Donuts

The Press Herald reports that a Frosty’s Donuts is under construction in South Portland and provides an update on Tony’s Donuts plans to open a second store in South Portland.

When it comes to doughnuts, Mainers can’t seem to get enough.

Now there’s word that Frosty’s Donuts, a mainstay on Brunswick’s Maine Street since 1956, will open a South Portland store this month. Soon after, Tony’s Donuts of Portland will open a shop about a mile farther down Broadway. They join a handful of other local bakeries known for their doughnuts, such as The Cookie Jar in Cape Elizabeth and The Holy Donut in Portland.

Apples Harvest Ready

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about the 2012 apple harvest.

Here in Maine, some growers are reporting yields coming in just a little bit early. But there’s no question that by this weekend, the apples will be ready to go — whether you pick them yourself or buy from a local farm stand.

At Rollins Orchards, a Garland farm that’s been in the family since 1821, owner Jean Rollins has been stocking her market for a while with help from her son, Ernest, and his wife, Andrea.

“We’ve been picking for three weeks,” Jean Rollins said. “That’s early. It’s a pretty good crop this year; overall, it’s about average.”

This Week’s Events: Tuscan Wine Dinner, F&T Anniversary, Gather, Sandwich to Shirt, Common Ground Fair

Tuesday — the monthly local foods networking breakfast is taking place at Local Sprouts, Bar Lola is holding a Tuscan wine dinner, and it’s Growler Nite at Bunker Brewing.

WednesdayFrog & Turtle is celebrating their 5th anniversary with a 5-course wine dinner, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — there will be an Austrian wine tasting at the Bier Cellar., and Devenish Wines will be at Aurora Provisions for an Autumn wine tasting.

FridayBiBo’s Madd Apple Cafe is holding a wine dinner, a new restaurant called Gather is scheduled to have their grand opening, it’s the first day of the Common Ground Fair in Unity and there will be a beer tasting at the West End Deli.

Saturday — Sea Change Cooking is teaching a vegan cooking class see there website for a full list of classes taking place this Fall, chef David Turin will be preparing a 4-course wine dinner in Kingfield to benefit Maine Huts & Trails, Space Gallery is hosting a lunch called From Sandwich to Shirt where the food scraps will be used as part of a fabric dyeing demonstration,  it’s the 2nd day of the Common Ground Fair, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Vignola/Cinque Terre is holding their 8th Annual Harvest Dinner at the Grand View Farm in Greene.

All This Month — DiMillo’s, East Ender, Five Fifty-Five, Grace and Petite Jacqueline are all participating Share Our Strength’s Dine Out for No Kid Hungry program to raise funds to fight hunger. Check this map for the nature of each restaurant’s program.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Porthole Passed Inspection

According to an article in the Press Herald, The Porthole and two other businesses that were closed due to serious health inspection issues earlier in the week have been cleared to reopen.

“There was nothing identified in that inspection as being a critical violation,” Clegg said. “All the critical violations have been addressed.”

According to the Munjoy Hill News, The Porthole did reopen today.

Porthole Health Inspection Update

The Press Herald has published an update on the closure of The Porthole and 2 other adjacent businesses by the city health inspector. The article includes scans of the letter that alerted the city to the problem and the health inspector’s hand written report from earlier this week.

[Health snspector Michele] Sturgeon found “rat droppings everywhere” in the businesses’ liquor storage area and on shelves, as well as “rotting, decayed mouse traps,” according to her report. “TONS of flies all over the food” and “lobster and other exposed seafood,” she wrote.

UPDATE: According to the Munjoy Hill News, The Porthole plans to re-open on Sunday.