This Week’s Events: Ag Trade Show, Bray’s, Ice Cream Theory

Tuesday — opening day of the 70th Annual Maine Agricultural Trades Show in Augusta.

Wednesday — Black Tie Provisions is teaching a cooking class.

ThursdayThe Great Lost Bear will be showcasing beer from Bray’s Brew Pub in Naples and a mead and cheese tasting is taking place at the Public Market House.

FridayRosemont Market is holding a wine tasting at their Brighton Ave location.

Saturday — the Winter Farmers Market in the morning, Black Cherry Provisions is holding a wine tasting starting at noon and Steff Deschenes, author of The Ice Cream Theory will be at Bull Moose in Scarborough for a book signing.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Oakhurst Dairy, Who Owns Organic, Ending the Currant Ban, Overfishing Ends

Also in today’s paper were articles about Oakhurst Dairy and the Bennett family who have run the business since it started in 1921,

“We have been able to stave off being bought by maintaining a strong brand identity. People know what we do and what we stand for,” Oakhurst President and Chief Operating Officer William Bennett said during a tour this week of the Oakhurst production plant on Forest Avenue.

reports on the effort to repeal the ban on growing currants in Maine, and on organic programming at the Maine Agricultural Trades Show,

Lisa Fernandes of Cape Elizabeth, who leads the Portland Permaculture Meetup, is coordinating the effort to get an old Maine law banning Ribes plants repealed. The law was enacted decades ago in an effort to control white pine blister rust, a plant disease that requires both pines and Ribes plants to persist.

and on statements made by the former chief scientist of NOAA’s Fisheries Service that overfishing will end this year,

The projected end of overfishing comes during a turbulent fishing year that has seen New England fishermen switch to a radically new management system. But scientist Steve Murawski said that for the first time in written fishing history, which goes back to 1900, “As far as we know, we’ve hit the right levels, which is a milestone.”

Lettuce Ladies

According to a report from the Portland Daily Sun, two lettuce bikini-clad PETA supporters were in the Old Port yesterday to promote veganism,

For the noon hour yesterday, the “Lettuce Ladies” — Tracy Patton and Hayden Hamilton, dressed in green bikinis with flaps that resembled pieces of lettuce — handed out vegetarian/vegan starter kits.

The East Ender is Now Open

East Ender opened tonight serving a limited menu of drinks and appetizers such as meat and cheese plates, salad, fries and deviled eggs. You can see a draft of their full menu on their website (click on the word Delicious at the bottom of the homepage).

East Ender is located on Middle Street adjacent to Duckfat in the space formerly occupied by Norm’s East End Grill. Megan Schroeter and Mitch Gerow who had worked together as the bar manager and sous chef at Evangeline are the owners of East Ender.

Rockin’ Ricky’s Tavern

The Portland Daily Sun has report on the liquor license hearing for Rockin’ Ricky’s Tavern that took place earlier this week,

If the ideal of urban commercial districts is diversity, then Portland Street between the Post Office and the Preble Street Resource Center is a work of planning genius. Along with Rockin’ Ricky’s and other bars, you have two of Portland’s culinary landmarks: Bintliff’s American Cafe and The [Back Bay Grill]. There are church-focused service centers, independent businesses and a union hall on the corner.

For additional reporting see the Forecaster.

DiPietro’s Review & Portland Shellfish Co.

Today’s Press Herald includes a review of the South Portland branch of DiPietro’s,

For $8.65 — the price of one lunch at many sandwich shops and restaurants — I got a dinner-sized portion of spaghetti and meatballs with grated cheese, plus a loaded ham Italian sandwich.

And both were great.

and an article about food safety issues at Portland Shellfish,

Jeffrey Holden, president and founder of Portland Shellfish, said Wednesday that the 35-year-old company has made sanitation improvements at its crab processing facility on Dartmouth Street in South Portland and its lobster and shrimp facility on Waldron Way in Portland.

11 for 2011 and the Sociology of TJ’s

This week’s Portland Phoenix includes a commentary on socio-economic class and the grocery cart,

I often like peeking in people’s carts at grocery stores — my maiden voyage into Trader Joe’s a couple months ago was no exception. I found myself thinking that most of the patrons (myself included) had quite a lot of processed food items in their carts. These are people who by and large would never be caught in Wal-Mart buying some off-brand frozen burritos yet in the right and proper setting, buying such things is a sign of how hip you are.

and a selection of 11 eats to try in 2011,

While new restaurants intrigue food critics and patrons alike, it’s the tried-and-true, the places that have established themselves as mainstays in Portland, that shouldn’t be forgotten in all the hype. Here’s a list of places not to be missed this year. It won’t make you thinner, fitter, or wealthier, just a lot more satisfied…