Greek Wine Dinner

Joe Ricchio has posted a report on the Maine magazine blog about  the Greek wine dinner he helped organize at Bresca last month.

The second course, a wonderful combination of fresh Peekytoe crab with roasted grapes, crushed almonds, and verjus sorbet, finds a life partner in the Domain Spiropoulos Mantinia. Similar to the Ode Panos in that it is made from moschofilero, but different in that it is not sparkling, it has crisp, briny notes that play up the sweet grapes and almonds nicely, in addition to a delicate floral nature that jives with the sorbet.

Gelato Fiasco on Fore Street & Tony Bourdain Interview

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes an interview with Tony Bourdain about his upcoming appearance with Eric Ripert at Merrill and lingering ill will generated by the Maine episode of his TV show No Reservations,

If comments on social media are any indication, Mainers sure know how to hold a grudge. While some loved Bourdain’s view of Maine through the eyes of his cameraman Zach Zamboni (who grew up in Milo), many others are still wondering more than a year after the show aired: Why wasn’t Portland more prominent in the show, given its growing reputation as a food town? Why didn’t Bourdain go to (fill in the blank) restaurant in Portland? And why was he so mean to restaurateur Dana Street when they were having dinner at his Portland restaurant, Street and Co.?

And for an article in today’s paper food reporter Meredith Goad lands interviews with owners of Gorgeous Gelato and Gelato Fiasco. Gelato Fiasco is in the process of opening a shop at 425 Fore Street almost directly across the street from their local competition.

“It’s not a very clever move in business strategy,” [Gorgeous Gelato co-owner Donato Giovine] said. “If I were them, I’d go to Boston. The only thing I think is, they want to kill us as a business.”

[Gelato Fiasco co-owner Josh] Davis denies that. He says he and [business partner] Tropeano have looked at 80 different locations in the Portland area during the past two years, “and have just not found the place we thought would make it work.”

When the Fore Street spot became available, Davis said, they both thought it was perfect for their business. It has “great foot traffic,” he said, as well as outdoor seating.

For additional commentary on the Gorgeous Fiasco issue see the Portland Examiner.

This Week’s Events: Charity Apple Picking, Oyster Shuck Truck, Wine Dinners, Roastery Tour, Harvest on the Harbor

Monday — the Cabin Cove Oysters shuck truck will be at El Rayo serving up $1 oysters.

Tuesday — a Cotes du Rhone wine dinner is taking place at the East Ender and Local Sprouts is hosting a local foods networking breakfast.

WednesdayBresca is holding a 5-course dinner featuring wines from Dominio do Bibe, there will be a wine tasting at the Old Port Wine Merchants, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — it’s the starting day of Harvest on the Harbor, the monthly Havana South wine event is taking place as is the South Portland Farmers Market, and The Great Lost Bear will be showcasing Maine Brewing Co.

FridayCoffee by Design is having an open house at their roastery, Bull Jagger Brewing’s first beer, Portland Lager, will go on sale at RSVP & Downeast Beverage, and it’s the 2nd day of Harvest on the Harbor.

SaturdayDelicious Musings has arranged a charity apple picking event at Thompson’s Orchard in New Gloucester: you donate your labor and all of the apples you pick will go to the Good Shepherd Food Bank. The Munjoy Hill street festival is taking place as is the Deering Oaks Farmers Market, and it’s the last day of Harvest on the Harbor.

Sunday — this month’s 20/20 wine charity event will take place at the Falmouth Sea Grill.

Farms & Fables — performances of the play Farms & Fables are taking place October 28, 29 and 30 (with a preview performance on October 27) at Camp Ketcha in Scarborough on Blackpoint Rd. You can read more about F&F on or by calling (207) 200-6982. Tickets are $15 per person.


For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: CaskFest, Secret Life of Lobsters, Signature Chef Auction, Farms & Fables

TuesdayRob Evans, chef/owner of Hugo’s, will be appearing in an episode of Chopped on the Food Network.

Wednesday — the Signature Chef Auction, a benefit for the March of Dimes, is being held at DiMillos, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — Win Watson, professor of Zoology at UNH, will be giving a lecture on The Secret Life of Lobsters at GMRI, the South Portland Farmers Market is taking place in the afternoon,there will be a wine tasting at Aurora Provisions, and The Great Lost Bear will be showcasing Oxbow Brewing.

Friday — it’s the first day of CaskFest at Novare Res (30+ cask beers), and there will be a wine tasting at Rosemont on Brighton.

Saturday — it’s the second day of CaskFest at Novare Res, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Farms & Fables — performances of the play Farms & Fables are taking place October 28, 29 and 30 (with a preview performance on October 27) at Camp Ketcha in Scarborough on Blackpoint Rd. You can read more about F&F on or by calling (207) 200-6982. Tickets are $15 per person.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: El Bulli Industry Night, Syrah/Shiraz, Open Creamery Day

Monday — an industry night showing of El Bulli: Cooking in Progress at the Museum of Art.

Wednesday — Wine Wise is leading a class on the styles of Syrah/Shiraz and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — the South Portland Farmers Market is taking place in the afternoon, and The Great Lost Bear will be showcasing pumpkin ales.

Friday — there will be a wine tasting at the West End Deli.

Saturday — the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — cheesemakers across the state are participating in Open Creamery Day.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: 20 Mile Meal, Miyake Wine Dinner, Mushroom Workshop, El Bulli, Oktoberfest, Eco Appetito

Tuesday — the Urban Farm Fermentory is holding a mushroom growing workshop.

Wednesday — Rosemont and Miyake are collaborating on an Austrian wine dinner, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — the South Portland Farmers Market is taking place in the afternoon.

Friday — there will be a wine tasting at Rosemont on Brighton, it’s the 1st day of the Oktoberfest at Novare Res, and the 1st showing of El Bulli: Cooking in Progress at the Museum of Art.

Saturday — it’s the last day of the Oktoberfest at Novare Res, and the 2nd showing of El Bulli: Cooking in Progress at the Museum of Art, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Cultivating Community is hosting the 5th Annual 20 Mile Meal, the 4th Annual Eco Appetito at Cinque Terre and the last showing of El Bulli: Cooking in Progress is taking place at the Museum of Art.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Local Food Networking, Common Ground Fair, Mycology Walk, Wine Dinners at Bresca, Figa, 20 Milk and The Well

Tuesday — Local Sprouts is hosting a local food networking breakfast for “food organizers, advocates and producers of our community”. Twenty Milk Street is holding a wine dinner featuring beef from the Piedmont region of Italy. The 16th Annual Epicurean Auction is taking place.

WednesdayOld Port Wine Merchants is holding wine tastings, there will be a Greek wine dinner at Bresca, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — the RealFood Project is teaching a cooking class, Browne Trading is holding a wine tasting, Havana South is restarting their monthly wine event with a tasting of unusual Italian varietals, the Great Lost Bear is featuring beer from Baxter Brewing at this week’s brewery showcase, and the South Portland Farmers Market is taking place in the afternoon.

Friday — it’s the 1st day of the MOFGA Common Ground Fair in Unity, Maine, and Figa is holding a wine dinner. The Wayside Food Program will be holding a food drive all day at Whole Foods. Layne Witherell will be at Longfellow Books to read from his book Wine Maniacs and sign copies.

Saturday — Wine Wise is leading a Sparkling Wine Walk in the Old Port, it’s the 2nd day of the Common Ground Fair, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place. The Wayside Food Program will be holding a food drive all day at Whole Foods.

Sunday — the Urban Farm Fermentory is leading a Mycology Walk, there will be an outdoor wine dinner at The Well, and it’s the last day of the Common Ground Fair.

Wine Dinner Season — as you can see above, it seems like we’ve hit Wine Dinner Season. In addition to the dinners taking place this week at Bresca, Figa, Twenty Milk and The Well, I’ve also added a dinner later this month at Miyake and dinners in October at Bresca and the East Ender. Also Bar Lola will soon be posting their calendar of monthly wine dinners.

Cooking the Market — Stonewall Kitchen and Maine Foodie Tours are collaborating on an weekly cooking program I wanted to draw your attention to. Each Wednesday participants in the 10-person cooking class tour the Farmers Market for a guided shopping trip and then they return to Stonewall for a cooking class centered on their purchases. For more details and to reserve a spot call (207) 879-2409.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Jewish Food Festival, Slow Food $5 Challenge, Zwanze, Harvest Dinner, Trail to Ale

Wednesday — both Old Port Wine Merchants and RSVP are holding wine tastings, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — Congregation Bet Ha’am in South Portland is hosting a Jewish Food Festival and Cook-Off, the Great Lost Bear is featuring beer from Cottrell Brewing at this week’s brewery showcase, and the South Portland Farmers Market is taking place in the afternoon.

FridayWest End Deli is holding a beer tasting.

SaturdaySlow Food is hosting a $5 Challenge, participants will all contribute $5, go on a shopping trip lead by chef Jonah Fertig from Local Sprouts and collaborate on cooking a meal together at the Quimby Colony kitchen. Novare Res will be tapping a keg of Cantillon Zwanze, one of only 21 kegs of this beer available worldwide. There will be a wine tasting at LeRoux Kitchen, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Cinque Terre is holding the 7th Annual Harvest Dinner at their farm in Greene, Maine. The 12th Annual Trail to Ale is taking place and Wine Wise is hosting a wine tasting aboard the Casablanca.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.