This Week’s Events: End of an Era, Dave Geary, Cellardoor, Peter Weygandt, Intro to Tea

Monday — the last day of the Annual Spring Book Sale at Rabelais.

Tuesday — Sebago Brewing is throwing an End of the Era Party to mark the close of their time at 164 Middle Street. Sebago will soon be moving their Portland brew pub to the new hotel under construction on Fore Street.

WednesdayHavana South is holding their monthly wine club, there will be a beer tasting at RSVP, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

ThursdayDave Geary will be at The Great Lost Bear for the bar’s weekly brewery showcase, David’s is holding a wine dinner featuring Maine’s Cellardoor Winery, and the Relish Cooking Show is taking place at the Portland Expo. Chef Frank Giglio will be teaching the first class of the Maine RealFood Project.

Friday — a tasting featuring wines from Weygandt-Metzler is taking place at Rosemont on Brighton. Peter Weygandt will be attending the event.

Saturday — cheesemaker Barb Skalpa from Echo Ridge Organic Cheese in Mt. Vernon, Maine will be at Rosemont for a tasting, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

SundayChefs Rob Evans and Sam Hayward will be preparing a multi-course dinner at Hugo’s to benefit Share Our Strength. Dobra is teaching an Intro to Tea class and there will be a mushroom growing workshop at the Urban Farm Fermentory.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Chicken Smackdown

Staff from 7 Portland restaurants gathered at 158 Pickett Street Cafe for the third edition of the Smackdown competition:  158 Pickett St Cafe, East Ender, Hot Suppa, Hugo’s, Nosh, The Cheese Iron, and The Great Lost Bear. The key this month was chicken, chicken banh mi, fried chicken, chicken pate, etc.

Hugo’s won the competition, East Ender was in 2nd place and Nosh (my personal favorite this month) took third. With the busy tourist season soon to start the Smackdown is on vacation until September when it will be hosted at Hugo’s. The topic for the September competition is TBD.

This Week’s Events: JBF Awards, Rabelais Book Sale, Daddy Daughter Tea Day

Monday — The James Beard Awards ceremony is taking place at Lincoln Center. Krista Kern Desjarlais is a nominee for Best Chef: Northeast.

Tuesday — Bar Lola is holding a Loire Wine Dinner.

Wednesday — Both Old Port Wine Merchants and RSVP are holding wine tastings, Black Tie Bistro is teaching a cooking class, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — LerRoux will host a Banana Split Trifle baking demonstration, there will be a wine and cheese tasting at the Public Market House, and The Great Lost Bear is featuring beer from Harpoon Brewery.

Saturday — the first day of the Rabelais book sale ($1, $3, $5 or 40% off, exclusive of their rare book inventory), Dobra Tea is participating in the National Daddy Daughter Tea Day, Wine Wise is teaching a class on Cabernets from Napa, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — the book sale at Rabelais continues.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Austrian Wine, Falmouth Kitchen Tour, Brewer for a Day, Mother’s Day

Tuesday — Bresca is holding a 5-course Austrian Wine Dinner.

Wednesday — the Farmers Market is taking place in Monument. Grace is holding their monthly wine club event.

Thursdayauthors T. Colin Campbell and Meg Wolff will be at Whole Foods for a book signing.

Friday — the first day of the Falmouth Kitchen Tour. There will be wine tastings at Rosemont and the West End Deli, and Rosemont is running a Austrian Wine Showcase ($45/person) in the evening. Friday is also First Friday Art Walk and restaurants will be very busy so make your reservations early.

Saturday — the Farmers Market is taking place in Deering Oaks Park, the second day of the Falmouth Kitchen Tour, LeRoux is holding a wine tasting, Sebago Brewing is offering a chance for you to work with their brewers on a special batch that will raise funds for their Trek Across Maine cycling team.

SundayMother’s Day, one of the busiest restaurant days of the year, so be prepared to wait a little longer to get in at your favorite Sunday brunch spot. Wine Wise is teaching a special Mother’s Day wine class.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This week’s Events: Shindig Hootenanny, Bourbon Tasting, Sandy Oliver, Deering Oaks Farmers Market

Monday — Deux Cochon is hosting an all-day Grand Opening Shindig Hootenanny Party.

TuesdayBlue is holding their monthly wine and cheese event.

WednesdayBlack Tie is teaching a cooking class and there will be a Bourbon Tasting at The Salt Exchange.

Thursday — Bard Coffee is hosting their monthly Latte Art Throwdown. Food Historian Sandy Oliver will be speaking at the Inventing Tradition: Good Maine Food wine dinner. The Great Lost Bear will feature beer from Marshall Wharf Brewery for their weekly Thursday night showcase. There will be a hard cider and cheese tasting at the Public Market House. LeRoux holding a baking demonstration.

Friday — Both BiBo’s Madd Apple Cafe and SMCC are holding wine dinners.

Saturday — the first Deering Oaks Farmers Market of the season is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Passover, Beer & Bacon, Best of Portland Awards, Easter

Monday — Abigail Carroll owner of Nonesuch Oysters will be at El Rayo for a “Shuck & Greet”. Passover begins at sunset tonight. Aurora Provisions is selling a special menu of prepared foods for Passover.

Tuesday — The 2nd Annual Beer & Bacon Dinner is taking place at The Salt Exchange.

Wednesday — there will be a wine tasting at Old Port Wine Merchants, a wine event at Havana South, and the Portland Phoenix will announce the winners of the 2011 Best of Portland Readership Poll.

Thursday — The Great Lost Bear will feature beer from Run of the Mill Brewery for their weekly Thursday night showcase.

Saturday — the last Winter Farmers Market of the season is taking place at the Irish Heritage Center. Wine Wise is teaching a Bordeaux class at The Wine Bar.

Sunday — a few Portland restaurants are serving special menus/buffets for Easter: DiMillo’s, the Eastland Park Hotel, Season’s Grille, and Twenty Milk Street. Aurora Provisions is offering a special menu of prepared foods for Easter.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.


The Natural Foodie column in today’s Press Herald interviewed film director Severine von Tscharner Fleming and author Anne Lappe both of whom are scheduled to speak at this week’s Food+Farm program. The article includes a full calendar of Food+Farm events.

“The Greenhorns officially started as a film project,” Fleming said. “Being a young farmer myself, I wanted to meet other young farmers.”

So she traveled around the country, and with the help of 14 cinematographers and countless others, produced a film that explores the motivations, challenges and triumphs of young farmers.

This Week’s Events: OF Farms and Fables, Anne Lappe, The Greenhorns

TuesdayBar Lola is holding a wine dinner featuring West Coast wines.

Wednesday — there will be a wine tasting at RSVP and a cooking class at Black Tie.

Thursday — There will be a dramatic reading of the play Of Farms and Fables at SPACE Gallery for the opening night of Food+Farm 2011. The Great Lost Bear will feature Sebago Brewing for their weekly Thursday night showcase, and LeRoux Kitchen will have a baking demonstration.

Friday — Food+Farm continues with a talk by Anna Lappé from the Small Planet Institute. A beer tasting is taking place at West End Deli.

Saturday — the Winter Farmers Market is taking place at the Irish Heritage Center. Food+Farm moves out to Cape Elizabeth in the morning to “wake up” the Cultivating Community farm and in the evening back at SPACE there will be a screening of The Greenhorns followed by a discussion with the director. Sweet Marguerites will be offering tastes of their excellent chocolate at whole Foods.

SundayFood+Farm wraps up on Sunday with a pair of workshops on urban farming at the Urban Farm Fermentory.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.