Viva Lebowski & 13th Cookie

Today’s Press Herald includes an interview with Dave Cousins, the organizer behind this weekend’s Viva Lebowski festival at Bayside Bowl.

In Cousins’ mind, the event needed to be bigger than just a fun night out. His “reason” for doing the event came through a friend, Colleen Kelley, owner of Silly’s restaurant in Portland. Nicholas Stevens, a former Silly’s employee and owner of 13th Cookie, a local bakery of organic, vegan, gluten- and soy-free cookies, has multiple sclerosis, and a flare-up prevented him from working.

Cousins, who only knew Stevens casually, jumped at the chance to put his passion for Lebowski to good use. Stevens, Cousins said, is a humble guy who can’t believe complete strangers want to help him out. But Cousins sees it differently.

Today’s paper also includes a What Ales You column on winter beers.

This Week's Events: Cookie Swap, Shrimp Season, First Friday

Wednesday — the Maine Shrimp Season begins today, both Grace (Organic Wines) and Wine Wise (Port) are holding wine education events.
ThursdayThe Great Lost Bear will showcase brews from all of the Smuttynose Brewing, and there will be a wine and cheese tasting at the Public Market House.
Friday — the West End Deli is holding a wine tasting and the First Friday Art Walk is taking place which usually kicks the competition for a table at your favorite restaurant up a notch (more than half on OpenTable are already booked solid for the 7 pm time slot) so make your reservations early.
SaturdayLeRoux Kitchen is holding a wine tasting, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.
Sunday — Rabelais is hosting theiri 3rd Annual Cookie Swap at the Quimby Colony, Joanne Chang, author of Flour, A Baker’s Collection of Spectacular Recipes will be on-hand for the swap.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.
If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Cookie Swap, Shrimp Season, First Friday

Wednesday — the Maine Shrimp Season begins today, both Grace (Organic Wines) and Wine Wise (Port) are holding wine education events.

ThursdayThe Great Lost Bear will showcase brews from all of the Smuttynose Brewing, and there will be a wine and cheese tasting at the Public Market House.

Friday — the West End Deli is holding a wine tasting and the First Friday Art Walk is taking place which usually kicks the competition for a table at your favorite restaurant up a notch (more than half on OpenTable are already booked solid for the 7 pm time slot) so make your reservations early.

SaturdayLeRoux Kitchen is holding a wine tasting, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Rabelais is hosting theiri 3rd Annual Cookie Swap at the Quimby Colony, Joanne Chang, author of Flour, A Baker’s Collection of Spectacular Recipes will be on-hand for the swap.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Old Port Chowder Festival

According to a report in today Portland Daily Sun, Samuel’s took home the gold at the 1st Annual Old Port Chowder Festival, with Kamasouptra in silver and Fit to Eat in bronze.

“We found a couple of places to go eat that we wouldn’t have otherwise, it’s good for that,” said Bill Moore.

Ann MacLauchlin said that while Rivalries New England clam chowder was her favorite, her aesthetic sense was piqued by the presentation in Fit to Eat’s bread bowls. “It was very good,” she said.

This Week's Events: Thaksgiving, Otto, Scotch Tasting, Book Launch

Tuesday — there will be a wine tasting at Leavitt & Sons in Falmouth.
Wednesday — the last Monument Square Farmers Market of the year is taking place (the Saturday market is planning to extend its calendar until the Winter Market opens), and there will be scotch tasting at The Salt Exchange.
Thursday — it’s Thanksgiving. See the visit the PFM Thanksgiving Resource Guide for a list of restaurants serving dinner on Thursday.
FridayOtto is scheduled to open its new location at 225 Congress Street.
Saturday — Rabelais is hosting a launch party for From The Land, Maine Farms at Work at the Quimby Colony, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

This Week’s Events: Thaksgiving, Otto, Scotch Tasting, Book Launch

Tuesday — there will be a wine tasting at Leavitt & Sons in Falmouth.

Wednesday — the last Monument Square Farmers Market of the year is taking place (the Saturday market is planning to extend its calendar until the Winter Market opens), and there will be scotch tasting at The Salt Exchange.

Thursday — it’s Thanksgiving. See the visit the PFM Thanksgiving Resource Guide for a list of restaurants serving dinner on Thursday.

FridayOtto is scheduled to open its new location at 225 Congress Street.

Saturday — Rabelais is hosting a launch party for From The Land, Maine Farms at Work at the Quimby Colony, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

Whoopie Pie Throwdown with Bobby Flay

According to a report from the Press Herald, Bobby Flay was recently in town for a whoopie throwdown. Flay competed against Karen Haase from Cranberry Island Kitchen.

Cranberry Island Kitchen’s whoopie pie throwdown with Food Network star Bobby Flay will air at 9 p.m. Dec. 8, according to Carol Ford, one of the owners of the popular Portland bakery.

I guess we now have an explanation for the photos posted on Edible Obsessions back in September.

This Week's Events: Mead, Wine, Cider, Immgrant Eats, Chowder Competition

Tuesday — there will be a mead workshop at the Urban Farm Fermentory.
Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place, there will be mead tasting at Down East Beverage and a wine tasting event at co-hosted by Browne Trading and Havana South, and the weekly Wine Wise class will focus on wines for Thanksgiving.
Thursday — there will be a Thanksgiving wine tastinngs at Browne Trading and Aurora Provisions, and Patty Howells Cooking is teaching a cooking class on Autumn stocks and soups. is holding their Third Thursday event at Novare Res.
Friday — there will be an Italian wine tasting at Rosemont on Brighton.
Saturday — Rabelais is hosting a book signing at Quimby Colony with Jane Ziegelman, author of 97 Orchard, An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement and Andrew Coe, author of Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place, and wine tastings are taking place at Scarborough Wine Outlet and Kitchen & Cork. Novare is having a Harvest Cider event all day on Saturday with “12 ciders and cysers from the UK, US, France and Spain and 2 live cider pressings.”
Sunday — Siano’s is hosting the 1st Annual Fall Chowder Competition and the 20/20 wine charity event will feature 20 wines for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving — to see all the Thanksgiving related events, resources and dining options in one place, visit the PFM Thanksgiving Resource Guide. It’s been updated it with a lot of new material since last week.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

This Week’s Events: Mead, Wine, Cider, Immgrant Eats, Chowder Competition

Tuesday — there will be a mead workshop at the Urban Farm Fermentory.

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place, there will be mead tasting at Down East Beverage and a wine tasting event at co-hosted by Browne Trading and Havana South, and the weekly Wine Wise class will focus on wines for Thanksgiving.

Thursday — there will be a Thanksgiving wine tastinngs at Browne Trading and Aurora Provisions, and Patty Howells Cooking is teaching a cooking class on Autumn stocks and soups. is holding their Third Thursday event at Novare Res.

Friday — there will be an Italian wine tasting at Rosemont on Brighton.

Saturday — Rabelais is hosting a book signing at Quimby Colony with Jane Ziegelman, author of 97 Orchard, An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement and Andrew Coe, author of Chop Suey: A Cultural History of Chinese Food in the United States, the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place, and wine tastings are taking place at Scarborough Wine Outlet and Kitchen & Cork. Novare is having a Harvest Cider event all day on Saturday with “12 ciders and cysers from the UK, US, France and Spain and 2 live cider pressings.”

Sunday — Siano’s is hosting the 1st Annual Fall Chowder Competition and the 20/20 wine charity event will feature 20 wines for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving — to see all the Thanksgiving related events, resources and dining options in one place, visit the PFM Thanksgiving Resource Guide. It’s been updated it with a lot of new material since last week.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

Thanksgiving 2010 Resource Guide

Some restaurants plan on serving a Thanksgiving dinner. Here are the Portland area ones I know about so far:

The United Way and 2 churches are hosting dinners on Thanksgiving (via About Town):

  • United Way Community Dinner, 11:30 – 1, at the Portland Club 156 State St, they’re looking for volunteers
  • Woodfords Congregational Church Thanksgiving Dinner, 2 – 3:30, 202 Woodford St
  • Immanuel Baptist Church Thanksgiving Dinner, 5 – 6:30, 156 High St

There are also a few vendors are selling pies, cakes and even entire meals to take home:

  • Aurora Provisions is selling a full dinner for two, $68.99 as well as soups, starters, entrees and desserts to jump start your preaparations
  • Rosemont Market, pre-order your free-range turkey (sourced from Maine-ly Poultry and Serendipity Acres) by Nov 20; Rosemont is also selling pies, rolls, quick breads, and other items which you’ll need to pre-order by the 19th.
  • Standard Baking on Commercial Street, Scratch Baking in South Portland, and many of the other bakeries in the area are good sources for pies, breads, etc. They probably produce some holiday themed options in addition to their usual offerings.

Events and other resources:

  • The Blueberry Files has published an excellent Portland area turkey buying guide complete with price per pound stats and details on how they were raised.
  • Wines; Tasted! has published a set of Thanksgiving wine recommendations, as has  the Appel on Wine column in the Press Herald.
  • The Press Herald also published recommendations on where to get locavore equivalents of corporate food Thanksgiving standards.
  • At the November 17 Wine Wise class you can taste some Thanksgiving wine recommendations so you can a “have a great list to take with you to the stores for your shopping trip”.
  • November 18, Browne Trading’s wine tasting will feature “wines suited for the Thanksgiving Feast” as will a wine tasting at Aurora Provisions.
  • On November 21, you can taste 20 different Thanksgiving wines at the 20/20 wine charity event.

Is there a local restaurant, market or bakery that’s missing? Post a comment with the info and I’ll add them to the list.