This Week’s Events: Graze, Sea Glass Dinner, Piccolo at Flanagan’s Table

Tuesday — the Local Foods Networking Breakfast is taking place at Local Sprouts.

Wednesday — Black Tie is catering the next Graze Farm Dinner, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — there will be a wine and cheese tasting at the Public Market House, and Sea Glass is holding a beer dinner.

Saturday — the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Ilma Lopez and Damian Sansonetti from Piccolo will be the featured chefs at this month’s Flanagan’s Table Dinner, and Yelp’s Sunday Funday event is taking place at the Urban Farm Fermentory.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Maine Seaweed Festival


The inaugural Maine Seaweed Festival (website, facebook, twitter, instagram) is scheduled to take place later this summer at SMCC on August 30, 2014.

Maine seaweeds are poised to play a major role in the growth and sustainability of our local economy and global health. The Maine Seaweed Festival will highlight the diverse uses and benefits of seaweed, while celebrating all of the dedicated harvesters, farmers, fishermen and processors that continue to invest their efforts in creating a viable and vibrant seaweed industry, here in Maine.

The Festival will include a seaweed focused dinner. “Dishes served will all revolve around sustainability and restorative practices of the sea and focus heavily on locally sourced varieties of Maine seaweeds”

Del Ducato/Oxbow Beer Dinner

Piccolo will be holding a beer dinner on July 21st in collaboration with Oxbow and Italian brewer Birrificio Del Ducato. The 6-course dinner will feature beers from both brewers including a set of limited releases from Oxbow.

Del Ducato’s brewer, Giovanni Campari, will be attending the dinner. He’s visiting Maine to work with Oxbow on a collaboration beer.

The dinner is $100 per person, call Piccolo at 207-747-5307 for reservations.

This Week’s Events: Pocket Cruise, Flea Bites, Shipyard Festival, Bastille Day

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — the Pocket Bunch crew is running their first Pocket Cruise; tickets are available online. The Great Lost Bear is showcasing beers from In’finiti.

Friday — a group of food trucks will be at Portland Flea-for-All for the July Flea Bites.

Saturday — the Shipyard Summer Festival is taking place as is the Deering Oaks Farmers Market.

Sunday — Petite Jacqueline is hosting a Bastille Day celebration; tickets are available online.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events: Hilltop, Year in Burgundy, CBD’s 20th, Dogfish Dinner

MondayHilltop Superette is scheduled to open today. The Nickelodeon is screening A Year in Burgundy; a pre-screening party will take place at MJ’s Wine Bar and a post-screening party at Petite Jacqueline.

TuesdayCoffee by Design is celebrating their 20th Anniversary and there will be a Dogfish Head dinner at In’finiti.

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

ThursdayBlack Tie is holding a farm dinner, there will be a Baxter Brewing tasting at the Bier Cellar, and the Great Lost Bear is holding their Red, White and Blue showcase.

Friday — it’s the Fourth of July and First Friday Art Walk is taking place.

Saturday — there will be a wine tasting at LeRoux Kitchen, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Rowan Jacobsen: Apples of Uncommon Character

applesRenowned food writer Rowan Jacobsen will be in Portland this September 22, 6pm for a talk, apple tasting and book signing at Space Gallery for his new work, Apples of Uncommon Character.

Here’s some info on the book (due out in September),

Packed with photographs as delightful as their subjects, Apples of Uncommon Character shows us the fruit in all its glory. Rowan Jacobsen collected specimens both common and rare from all over North America, selecting 123 to feature, including the best varieties for eating, baking, and hard-cider making. By capturing the nature of each apple, including its flavor, origins, and sometimes surprising ties to American history, Apples of Uncommon Character celebrates our romance of the rural landscape. It’s a must-have for every foodie.

 Jacobsen is the author of several books including A Geography of Oysters, American Terroir, and The Living Shore. His book Fruitless Fall is responsible for inspiring me and countless other people to take up beekeeping.


This Week’s Events: Neddles, GLB 35th, Greek Festival, Strawbery Fest, Silverado Dinner, Taste of the Nation, Noshbow

Monday — Allagash is releasing Neddles, a sour brown aged in rum barrels from New England Distilling.

WednesdayBlack Tie is holding a farm dinner, and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — The Great Lost Bear is celebrating their 35th Anniversary, and it’s the first day of the Greek Heritage Festival.

Friday — the Greek Heritage Festival continues.

Saturday — the 6th Annual Strawberry Festival is taking place in Cape Elizabeth, Rosemont is hosting a Silverado Wine Dinner, it’s the last day of the Greek Heritage Festival, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — the Taste of the Nation is being held in Fort Williams Park, Portland Pancake Day and Noshbow are taking place, and Wine Wise running a Loire Valley wine sail.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.