The Appeal of Trader Joe's

Food for Thought has explored the enthusiasm that Trader Joe’s fans have for the market.

I’ve tried to understand the attraction of Trader Joe’s.  I know its immediate appeal is price–many items are cheaper than elsewhere and many of their store-name products have a great following among its devotees.

A friend of mine is a great fan of the place.  And I asked her to explain why, to give me specific products that she likes there.

She started off with the dishwashing powder.

The Appeal of Trader Joe’s

Food for Thought has explored the enthusiasm that Trader Joe’s fans have for the market.

I’ve tried to understand the attraction of Trader Joe’s.  I know its immediate appeal is price–many items are cheaper than elsewhere and many of their store-name products have a great following among its devotees.

A friend of mine is a great fan of the place.  And I asked her to explain why, to give me specific products that she likes there.

She started off with the dishwashing powder.

Paper Food: Cooking Matters, Pecan Pie, Macrobiotics . . .

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes article about Cooking Matters, a program that “recruits local culinary and nutrition professionals to teach low-income families on a limited budget how to prepare nutritious meals that also taste good”, and interviews with macrobiotic educator Warren Kramer and Ethan Toby, sous chef at Sonny’s.
Yesterday’s edition of the Portland Daily Sun provides advice on where to source ingredients for you home Mexican cooking and a reminder that Two Fat Cats made the cut for a Yankee magazine article about where to find the best 5 holiday pies in New England.

Winter Market Aims for Irish Heritage Center

The Winter Farmers Market is working with the city to get a zoning change so they can operate this winter out of the Irish Heritage Center, according to an article in today’s Press Herald.

[Councilor David] Marshall, who facilitated a meeting last month between the organizers of the farmers market and the city staff, said he expects the council to support the zoning change.

Last winter, the market operated at 85 Free St. Organizers said the space was too small and there was not enough parking for customers. “We wanted a better and a bigger space,” said Lauren Pignatello, one of the market’s coordinators.

Dead Hop

According to a press release from Portland’s Downtown District, the Lunch Hop service on the Metro bus line will be discontinued starting November 1.

METRO has carefully reviewed financial alternatives to balancing its operating budget while minimizing impact on bus riders and the community. “The decision to discontinue this free service was based on the need to collect fares and increase revenue,” said METRO’s General Manager David Redlefsen.

Trader Joe's Preview and Oriental Table Interview

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about the upcoming opening of Trader Joe’s,

The Trader Joe’s rumor mill has been churning overtime, so let’s start by setting a couple of things straight.

First, despite the rampant Internet speculation and breathless phone calls to the new store at 87 Marginal Way, there will not be a “soft opening” today.

and a ShopTalk interview with Yan Lam the owner of Oriental Table,

Q: When did you learn to cook?

A: Well actually, to be honest with you, when I opened this place.

Q: You must have learned fast.

A: You have to, you know? I learned a lot by making myself dinner after the place closed. It was a good way to learn how to make things better. And I’m still learning.

Trader Joe’s Preview and Oriental Table Interview

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about the upcoming opening of Trader Joe’s,

The Trader Joe’s rumor mill has been churning overtime, so let’s start by setting a couple of things straight.

First, despite the rampant Internet speculation and breathless phone calls to the new store at 87 Marginal Way, there will not be a “soft opening” today.

and a ShopTalk interview with Yan Lam the owner of Oriental Table,

Q: When did you learn to cook?

A: Well actually, to be honest with you, when I opened this place.

Q: You must have learned fast.

A: You have to, you know? I learned a lot by making myself dinner after the place closed. It was a good way to learn how to make things better. And I’m still learning.

Halloween, Lobster Chef, Wine

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes: an article about and recipes from the top 3 finalist in the Lobster Chef of the Year competition that was won last weekend by Kelly Patrick Farrin, a search for healthy Halloween treats, a list of Halloween themed events scheduled for this week, advice from wine columnist Joe Appel on developing your appreciation of wine, and an interview with Rick Morey Jr. from Walter’s in the ongoing Salute to Sous series. The full set of Salute to Sous series recipes can be found on the Oakhurst Dairy website.

Maine Mead Works

Munjoy Hill News interviewed Ben Alexander about Maine Mead Works move to Washington Ave.

“It was a big jump for us,” said Ben Alexander, owner of Maine Mead Works yesterday in the company’s distinctive tasting room in their new location at 51 Washington Avenue. “Going from 800 ft. to 8,000 sq. ft is major. But this move allows us to grow,” Alexander said. Just two weeks ago the wine company moved from its location on Anderson Street to the former Nissen Building. Alexander and his wife, Carly Cope, generously took some time yesterday to fill in some of the details.

Trader Joe's

Both the Portland Daily Sun and the Forecaster have published articles about the grand opening of Trader Joe’s taking place later this week.

Acciola said about 85 percent of the staff is local and the rest – including herself – moved here because they wanted to work and live in Portland.

“There are a lot of foodies here,” she said. And while the newest Trader Joe’s resembles the company’s other locations, the Portland store is designed to capture the essence of Portland and the state of Maine, she said.