Comments to FTC Re: Trader Joe’s

Friday’s Press Herald includes a report on the public comments flooding into the FTC on the proposed sale of the Wild Oats building to Trader Joe’s.

“We want it, we want it, we want it!!!” Meredith Cohen of Hallowell said in her posting. “I was told I should write to show my support for Trader Joe’s buying the old Wild Oats building so here it is. Please, please, please! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Maple's Organics in SoPo & Sustainable Food Conference

Today’s Press Herald includes an article on Maple’s Organics new production facility and retail space in South Portland,

In the new space, retail customers will be able to see how the ice cream base is cooked in big pots, how flavorings like raw sugar caramel are made, and how ingredients like peanut butter cups and cookies are stirred into the frozen mixture. The shop will also offer baked goods, coffee and other beverages.

The 1,800-square-foot building provides a better space for the growing business.

and  a Natural Foodie article on this weekend’s 5th Annual Local & Sustainable Food Conference taking place in Lewiston.

Whether you’d like to learn new mulching techniques to better hedge against Maine’s cold winters or you’d like to find out how to save seeds in order to take a practical and political stand against corporate control of the food system, you’ll want to attend the Local & Sustainable Food Conference on Saturday and Sunday in Lewiston.

Maple’s Organics in SoPo & Sustainable Food Conference

Today’s Press Herald includes an article on Maple’s Organics new production facility and retail space in South Portland,

In the new space, retail customers will be able to see how the ice cream base is cooked in big pots, how flavorings like raw sugar caramel are made, and how ingredients like peanut butter cups and cookies are stirred into the frozen mixture. The shop will also offer baked goods, coffee and other beverages.

The 1,800-square-foot building provides a better space for the growing business.

and  a Natural Foodie article on this weekend’s 5th Annual Local & Sustainable Food Conference taking place in Lewiston.

Whether you’d like to learn new mulching techniques to better hedge against Maine’s cold winters or you’d like to find out how to save seeds in order to take a practical and political stand against corporate control of the food system, you’ll want to attend the Local & Sustainable Food Conference on Saturday and Sunday in Lewiston.

Where's the Wi-Fi?

In recognition of yesterday’s launch of the new wi-fi enabled Apple iPad, here’s a list of local spots that provide wireless internet to their customers:

Post a comment if you know of any others that are missing from the list.

Where’s the Wi-Fi?

In recognition of yesterday’s launch of the new wi-fi enabled Apple iPad, here’s a list of local spots that provide wireless internet to their customers:

Post a comment if you know of any others that are missing from the list.

Sun Profile of Bazkari Catering

Today’s Portland Daily Sun includes a profile of Bazkari Catering, a food delivery and catering service specializing in Spanish and Latin American cuisine.

Susan Colinet of CDS in South Portland said, “This is food that I actually take time to savor. I do this because it is delicious, but also because I know that it is prepared with care, passion, and pride for the culture and the ingredients that go into each item. The portions are perfect and the freshness and wholesomeness can be savored in each bite. Speak with Ana for just two minutes about the food and you will understand!”

There’s also a report on the renaming of O’Naturals remaining store in Falmouth. The restaurant will now be known as Stoneyfield Cafe.

Trader Joe Exploreation and Meatless Meetup

The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes a report from Meredith Goad, a self-confessed Trader Joe’s virgin, on her exploration of the TJ in Cambridge,

The bottom line: I didn’t have a religious conversion, but I do get why people are so in love with Trader Joe’s. And I think it would find a good niche here in Portland without compromising the existence of Whole Foods or any other local stores. The Wild Oats space seems like a perfect spot for Joe to move in.

and a Natural Foodie article penned by Avery Yale Kamila on the Meatout dinner taking place this Saturday at the Pepperclub.

As of Monday, more than 40 people had RSVP’ed for the all-vegan meal, and organizer Sarah Conroy is committed to finding seats for anyone else who’d like to attend. The dinner is part of the Maine Vegan Meetup dinners that Conroy coordinates each month; however, this particular meal is open to folks who aren’t members of the Meetup, as long as they reserve a spot in advance.