Maine Cheese

The Portland Daily Sun ran an article this weekend about Maine-based cheese production and the Maine Cheese Guild.

The group provides education around cheesemaking and is trying to encourage new cheesemakers. “We aren’t making enough cheese to meet demand,” noted current guild president Eric Rector, “we still need more cheesemakers making high quality cheese to meet demand before we start marketing outside the state.”

Online Wine Sales

The state legislature is weighing three separate proposals to enable Mainers to buy wine over the Internet.

The third measure, proposed by Rep. Melissa Walsh Innes, D-Yarmouth, is modeled after similar legislation in 35 other states. It would establish just one permit for wine producers wishing to ship directly to Maine consumers, but not require Mainers to register themselves with state government in order to make the Internet wine purchases.

Bag Tax Gets Canned

A Maine legislative committee has decided against a 10¢ tax on plastic bags at grocery stores. A working group has been set-up to study the issue.

Plastic bags are under assault from environmentalists as an example of waste, and many Mainers are already switching to reusable bags. Opponents argued that the fee would create administrative problems, inconvenience customers and simply increase sales of plastic trash bags.