Indie Biz Awards: Nominations

Nominations for this year’s Buy Local Indie Biz Awards are now open. You can submit the names of local businesses in any or all of the 9 categories:

  • Portland Icon
  • Best New Business
  • Creative Crusader
  • Environmental Hero
  • Portland’s Best Kept Secret
  • Flavor of Portland
  • Out of Sight, Not out of Mind
  • Portland Beacon
  • Best Neighborhood

Nominations will close on September 2nd and after the final voting takes place the winners will be announced in late October.

Milly’s Skillet Moving in September

The Forecaster reports that Peaks Island food truck Milly’s Skillet will be moving to Falmouth in September.

[Owner Molly] Ritzo said the Falmouth truck, which will set up at 226 Gray Road, will offer more of a farm-to-table menu, with breakfast items, soups, salads and sandwiches.

“I want to be the morning stop for people,” Ritzo said, adding she will also have prepared meals for customers to take home.

Maine Winners at ACS Cheese Competition

Maine cheesemakers took home 10 awards from this year’s American Cheese Society competition, reports the Maine Cheese Guild.

From among 267 companies submitting 1,779 entries seven Maine cheese makers won ten awards including four 1st place ribbons, four 2nd place, and two 3rd place ribbons.

You can see the complete list of winners on the competition website.

Telling Room Reviews

The Press Herald has posted a set of reviews written by kids who participated in The Telling Room summer camp program.

Cassandra Albano and Andrew Miller wrote about The Honey Paw, and Ella Briman and Elinore Kosak wrote about Rosemont Market.

Fifteen students set out across Portland this month visiting art venues, a food market and a popular new restaurant to offer their critiques and hone their skills as writers and reviewers through a summer camp program with The Telling Room.

190 State St

190StateIf you’ve taken a look at the commercial real estate listings on Craigslist recently you might have been surprised to spot 190 State Street, the home of Petite Jacqueline, among the spaces available. I checked in with co-owner Michelle Corry who explained that due a rise in rent and interest in expanding the restaurant, they’ve begun looking for a new space. No change in their location is anticipated until 2016.