4 Wine-centered Restaurant Ideas

In his wine column in today’s Press Herald, Joe Appel presents four models for restaurants he’d like to see open in Portland.

Yes, I enjoy the pleasures that a nice – or even excellent – glass of wine alongside a nice – or even excellent – plate of food can bring. But allow me, in the paragraphs that follow, to imagine the sort of transportive experience that is so much rarer. Allow me to describe a few restaurants, with suggested names sure to be improved upon, that teach us while they treat us.

Golden Banned from Honey Paw/Eventide/Hugo’s

Today’s Press Herald reports on the ban of food writer John Golden from The Honey Paw, Eventide and Hugo’s.

A longtime local food blogger has been banned from eating at three Portland restaurants because he reviewed one of them after the owners had asked him not to do so.

John Golden, who writes the blog The Golden Dish, on MaineToday.com, received an email last week from Arlin Smith, Andrew Taylor and Mike Wiley – who collectively own Hugo’s, Eventide and The Honey Paw – telling him that he is no longer welcome in any of their establishments.

The article goes on to report that the owners are banning Golden “because they find him and his writing unprofessional.”

Maine Harvest Credit Project

The Press Herald includes an article about the Maine Harvest Credit Project which will supply loans to farms and small food producers.

As Maine’s food economy continues to grow, a group of supporters is working to set up a financial institution to provide farmers, artisan cheese-makers and craft brewers with stronger financing roots.

The Maine Harvest Credit Project’s goal is to establish a credit union that the backers believe would fill a gap in available financing, offering farm mortgages in the $100,000 to $500,000 range and equipment loans of $25,000 to $100,000.

Phoenix Best of Portland Awards

phoenix2015The Portland Phoenix released the results this week from their 2015 readership awards poll. The Phoenix received over 20,000 votes for 650 nominees in 133 categories.

The 2015 competition for Best of Portland was fiercely competitive. We know Portlanders are passionate about  their city; 650 nominees duked it out to win their share of more than 20,000 local votes. The average number of votes was 200 to 500 per category, so we can safely say that all the nominees are local favorites with hundreds of fans and that the winners are truly loved by Portlanders.

You can see the full list of results online. There are categories 30+ food categories from Best Food Truck(El Corazon) to Best New Restaurant(Central Provisions).

2015bestofportlandPortland Food Map won both the Best Blog and Best Food Blog categories. Many thanks to all of you who voted for the site!

Mayor Brennan’s Food Initiative

Today’s Maine Sunday Telegram reports on Mayor Brennan’s Initiative for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System.

Those are some of the more visible projects being worked on by a wide-ranging group of Portlanders who have joined the Mayor’s Initiative for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System. Mayor Michael Brennan formed the initiative in 2012 after participants in a casual community food forum expressed a desire for a council that could work on the city’s food policy and on increasing residents’ access to local foods.

For more info on the Initiative visit the HSFSI website.

City Defines Sidewalk Dining Rules

The City has detailed rules governing restaurant sidewalk dining spaces.

The permit application that restaurants must submit to apply for outdoor seating spells out clear measurements for how much sidewalk space their tables and chairs can take up, and how many feet of pedestrian space must be maintained.

For restaurants without sidewalks wide enough to support outdoor dining, businesses can request to use a parking space, or appeal to planners for an exemption.

The Farm Stand Wins Source Award

The Press Herald announced the winners of the inaugural Source Awards over the weekend. Among the recipients was The Farm Stand in the Newcomer category.

“Indispensable,” one nominator gushed of our winner for the Source Newcomer Award, for a business or entity established in the last 18 months. Another credited The Farm Stand, the brainchild of Penny Jordan and Ben Slayton of Farmers’ Gate butchery in Wales, with allowing them to “effortlessly integrate” the mission of eating local into their lives.