Maine Food & Dining News: Kingfield, Waterville, Bangor, Belfast, Winthrop, Fryeburg, Lewiston, South Paris

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Whitney Rhodes has leased space at 256 Main St in Kingfield where she plans to open a coffee shop. The 20-seat Marmee Dearest Espresso (instagram) will serve brewed coffee and espresso-based drinks as well as locally made baked goods. Rhodes plans to feature coffee from roasteries in New England and Canada and from woman-owned roasteries. Her house coffee is roasted by Tern Coffee Roasters in Jefferson. Watch for Marmee Dearest to open sometime in late February or early March.
  • Cushnoc Cantina (facebook, instagram) opened earlier this week (photos above). The second location for Augusta-based Cushnoc Brewing, the Cantina is located in the first floor of the downtown Colby dormitory Main Street Commons at 150 Main Street. They’re serving a menu that includes 11 different kinds of tacos, salads, grain bowls, appetizers, desserts, Cushnoc beer, and agave spirit cocktails. It is open 11 am – 9 pm and stay open until 10 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
  • The Bangor Daily News reports that the City of Bangor is working to launch a shared commercial kitchen. “The shared kitchen, modeled after a similar one in Portland, is intended to give small businesses space and supplies to establish and grow without having to invest in expensive equipment needed to prepare and package food.”
  • Carousel Wine & Cheese (instangram) is now open for business in Belfast. Owner Lauren Crichton bought Salvatore & Roscia from owner Maura Salvatore. Carousel is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm and is located at 94 Main Street.
  • Down East has published an article about Absolem Cider‘s efforts to create a smoked cider. “The trio was at work on their latest batch of smoked-apple hard cider, a novel libation they dreamed up three years ago, in an attempt to capture the warmth and flavor of smoked beers and spirits like peated whiskey and mezcal.”
  • D’s Pizza in Fryeburg has closed, and Sliders Sports Pub in Lewiston has announced plans to close in February. See this article in the Sun Journal for additional reporting on Sliders.
  • The owners of X Vault Pub and Norway Pizza Xchange have launched Draught Horse (instagram) a mobile bar for catering at weddings and other events.
  • Home Town Cafe opened this week in Waterville. They’re located off Main Street at 72 Armory Road, and are open for breakfast and lunch Tuesday through Saturday, 6 am – 2 pm.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Hampden, S Thomaston, Lewiston, Liberty, Waterville, Freeport

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Marsh Island Brewing is opening a second location in Hampden which will include a full restaurant. In the lead up to an opening later this year they’re holding pop-ups at the Hogan Road Deli to share items from the menu which has been created by chef Joe Robbins.
  • The latest issue of the Midcoast Villager includes a feature on South Thomaston’s “Oyster Doctor” Ralph Hamill who in addition to being a cardiologist runs the Weskaeg Oyster Company.
  • Lewiston’s fine dining restaurant Bon Vivant (photo above) has permanently closed. Their message on instagram reads in part, “The national trends in the restaurant industry combined with the physical and financial climate of downtown Lewiston has proven not ready for a high-end restaurant. We had hoped to bring it forward but in the end it was not supported well enough.” Bon Vivant opened in July 2023. Their cocktail bar Sonder and Dram continue to be open. For additional reporting see this article in the Sun Journal.
  • The Bangor Daily News includes a feature on a bakery in Liberty called Cyri’s Panadería (facebook). “A Liberty-based family of five, headed by matriarch Liv Sanchez, is bringing a taste of its home country delicacies to the midcoast from the comfort of their own kitchen.”
  • The Waterville Sentinel has published a profile of Straight Jamaican Cuisine in Waterville. “Jamie Pomerleau and Clayton Whyte opened Strait Jamaican Cuisine in June. The pair began planning last year to build a restaurant out of the back of Pomerleau’s house, intertwining her Maine-based restaurant experience with Whyte’s decades of cooking at hotels, restaurants and Jamaican street stalls.”
  • Stars & Stripes Brewing in Freeport has closed. There last day in business was December 31st. Their Portland tasting room closed in late February.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

The 2024 Year in Review

Here’s a look back at the 2024 year in food. Read on for a refresher on what took place in Portland and all across the state, a look forward at the new new opening that are in the pipeline for 2025, a list of the most popular news stories of the past year, and some observations on the changing business landscape.

This is the 15th year we’ve produced a Year in Review report. Once you get a refresh on 2024 you can travel back in time with a read of the reports from 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010.

Best New – Dozens of new establishments opened across Maine this year—many gems among them. While picking out a single Best New from among the rest may be an impossible task, here are a few contenders for you to consider.

  • Magissa – Nancy Klosteridis and Emily Otero opened Magissa in May serving contemporary takes on Greek traditional dishes. Great food and service, delightful desserts and drinks and moderate prices have made it an instant hit.
  • Cantina Calafia – A distinctive sense of style, unique and inventive dishes like a savory crab churro and the goat cheese flan are part of what makes it easy to recommend this West End restaurant. Cantina Calafia launched in March and is located at the corner of Pine and Brackett Streets.
  • OcotilloBrought to life by the team from Terlingua, Ocotillo takes its culinary cues from the flavors of Mexico and Texas. Initially launched as a brunch-only business, they added happy hour and dinner to the line-up in November making it that much easier to find a time to visit. The New York Times recently called out their Mushroom Breakfast Taco in their list of The 26 Best Dishes We Ate Across the U.S. in 2024.
  • First Fig – Joanna Spinks launched First Fig back in February. The combo cafe/winebar/wine shop provides Camden with a space that offers ease and comfort along with a selection of natural wines, snacks, espresso. We hear the weekend appearances by Taqueria Max are not to be missed.
  • Finestkind– Part of the new wave of restaurants opening in Saco, Finest kind launched in September the brainchild of Victoria and Tom Barthelmes along with their business partners Chris and Paige Gould from Central Provisions and Tipo. The instantly popular daytime cafe serves a wide range of house-made baked goods, sandwiches, salads and other dishes like the delicious Maine Grains Bowl.
  • Circumstance – This seasonal restaurant opened in May in the small town of Swanville near Belfast. Chef/owner Khristopher Hogg is serving an inventive menu based that admirably meets his mission to “reflects the pursuit of craft, creativity, and an appreciation of place.”

A Changing Landscape – 2024 will be remembered in part for the run of high profile restaurant closures that took place in early fall. Coals, Thistle & Grouse, Sister’s Gourmet Deli, Golden Lotus, Slab, Salvage, North Point, Ohno Cafe, Anania’s and Local 188 all closed in a matter of weeks from mid-September to Thanksgiving.

Restaurant closure took place elsewhere in the state and during the year (see details below) but the fall closure triggered a wider public discussion and it was then the media began asking why restaurants are closing and when panel discussions took place to discuss a “restaurant apocalypse“.

Some of the factors that restaurants were faced with in 2024 were:

  • Competition – At last count there is about 1 restaurant/bar/etc in Portland for every 200 residents. While that provides for an amazing diversity of choice for customers, it also presents a highly competitive landscape for restaurant to operate in. Older restaurants are always at risk of losing their base of regulars as new businesses open and newer ones have a short window when they are the new place to establish themselves.
  • Rising Costs – Inflation drove up the costs of a wide range of goods that go into producing the restaurant experiences we enjoy. Labor costs have risen in order to keep pace with the increased housing and other costs of employee’s lives. That’s all challenged restaurant profitability and the ability to save money to make it through the slower winter season.
  • Affordability – Those rising costs led to potential customers having less disposable income to spend on eating out just at a time when menu prices were rising.
  • Timing – In any past year, there’s been a heightened number of closures in the fall after the summer tourists season ends and before the leaner winter months. 2024 saw a 9% decrease in the number of tourists relative to 2023 leaving some restaurants with less cash on hand.
  •  Unique Factors – Each of the businesses that closed in the past year are unique (it’s part of what we loved about them) and had factors special to their particular situations that were part of the decision to close.

While there have been a heightened number of closures in 2024 (and in 2023), more food and dining establishments opened last year than closed. It was a ~2:1 ratio for the year in Portland with a high point in May when twelve new bars, restaurants, cafe shops and cafes opened to the public.

While it’s unknown yet if the challenges outlined above will continue to drive closures in 2025, one thing is certain of is that despite the closures Portland and the state overall continues to have a vibrant restaurant scene. As you’ll see in this next few sections of this report, new entrepreneurs have exciting concepts in the works and new business have been opening all across Maine during the past year.

2025 Openings –There’s a lot in the works to look forward to in 2025. Here are a few highlights to whet your appetite for the coming year:

  • Ramona’s owner Josh Sobel is launching Benny’s on Congress Street.
  • Bowman Brown will be opening a new edition of his spectacular restaurant Elda in Bayside.
  • A group of friends and industry professionals—Bryce Summers, Garrett Lenderman, Ryan Nielsen, Arvid Brown and Nick Coffin—have teamed up to open an all-day bar called Cuties in the Old Port.
  • A salad-centric cafe called Luncheonette is opening in the former Union Bagel building on Cumberland Ave.
  • Sam Minervino and a set of business partners are renovating the former Parker’s building in North Deering where they will open the North Deering Tavern.
  • Isaac MacDougal along with Jake Bosma, Brecken Macdougal and Zach Myers plans to open the Supper Club Cocktail Lounge on Congress Street.
  • Sichuan Kitchen owner Qi Shen will be launching Tuan Yuan Hotpot at 29 Forest Ave in the  Portland Stage building.
  • Tony and Chelsea Bickford have taken over the Scarlet Begonia’s space in Brunswick where they plan to launch Pomelia.
  • The owners of the Solo Pane e Pasticceria are expanding their bakery into the space adjacent to their location on Centre Street in Bath.
  • Chef/owner Jordan Benissan is relocating his Rockland restaurant Me Lon Togo to Freeport.
  • Elevenes, the hobbit-themed all-day cafe and bakery under construction in Brunswick, will be opening on January 11th.
  • Colleen Kelley plans to open a new edition of Silly’s in Standish.
  • A new bakery called Yuri’s Desserts is opening on Spring Street January 2nd. They’ll be serving a variety of cakes, macarons, cookies, shaved ice, croissants and donuts.
  • Augusta-based Cushnoc Brewing has leased space in Waterville where they have been building out the Cushnoc Cantina.
  • Taco Trio is renovating and moving back into their original location in South Portland.
  • A new wine bar and wine shop called Pulling Corks is under construction in Belfast.

There are many other exciting new projects in the works that haven’t gone public yet. Check back throughout the new year as we share the details.

Notable News IN PORTLAND


The broader Maine food and dining scene continues to expand. There have been new business launches in nearly every county from Salted Butter Farm Restaurant which opened this summer in Sherman to Baker Bru in North Berwick and from Clifford’s Donut Stop kiosk in Phillips to Aekier Brewing’s tasting room in Wiscasset. The Midcoast in general and Brunswick specifically has seen a high level of change and development.

The statewide developments over the last few years haven’t gone unnoticed. Three of the Beard award semifinalists in 2024 were from outside Portland, Food & Wine magazine included Aragosta on Deer Isle on their list of the Best Restaurants in the US, The Alna Store was on the New York Times list of their “50 favorite places in America right now“,  Down East magazine wrote about a “restaurant renaissance” taking place in Bethel and the Press Herald provided a survey of the food industry in Saco.

Not all the Maine news was sunshine and rose. While the Portland area experienced the highest density of closures, businesses elsewhere in Maine also closed their doors like Yonder in Wiscasset, Goods in Camden, Side by Each in Auburn and Big G’s in Winslow to name a few. Additionally, Biddeford encountered some headwinds this past year with a number of closures including Lorne Wine, Dizzy Bird, Vickie’s Veggie Table and Pint & Pawn.

Here are some additional highlights:

  • Waterford – Chef Brandon Montes joined the team at Tallulah’s which upped the game of the seasonal farm-to-table restaurant.
  • Brunswick – A number of space swaps are taking place in Brunswick. The Great Impasta is moving into a space vacated by Portland-based Maiz, the former Scarlet Begonia’s is being backfilled by a new Sicilian restaurant called Pomelia, Nomad closed and the owners of Dutchman’s are planning to open an Italian restaurant called Paolo’s in its place, Joshua’s Tavern closed and the owners of Linden + Front are in the process of building out Ram & Bull in that spot, and the Stadlers moved Bao Bao from Portland into the building occupied by their restaurant Tao Yuan. On top of that Brunswick saw the opening of Reverie Coffee, a second Blake Orchard, Lil Jam Cookies, and a new edition of Walter’s Cafe, and the sad loss of Caballera’s.  The hobbit-themed cafe and cocktail bar Elevenses is scheduled to open on January 11th.
  • Bath –  Linden + Front opened as did a German bakery and restaurant called The Pelzer. Solo Pane e Pasticceria is expanding their kitchen and seating area into an adjacent storefront.
  • Windham – Portland area restaurant veterans Hannah Buoye and Billy Hager launched Waxwing Bakery. Waxwing serves croissants, chocolate cream pie, savory items like sausage rolls and quiche, muffins, cookies, slices of cake, Tandem Coffee with a full range of espresso-based drinks as well as China Jade and English Breakfast from Mem Tea. Hager and Bouye plan to add a lunch menu early next year that will offer salads and sandwiches.
  • Bridgton – A Japanese-inspired restaurant called Bar Kosho opened in November.
  • Machias – Brewer-based Mason’s Brewing Company’s opened a second location, and Ross Florance launched his weekly 8-course chefs tasting menu restaurant, Flora.
  • Bangor – Two new cocktail bars The Key Room and Barliman’s opened in Bangor this year.
  • Skowhegan – After 72 years in business Island Dairy Treat went out of business.
  • Waterville/Winslow – Borderland Coffee opened in the Schupf Arts Center and Meza took overthe former home of the Lebanese bakery in Waterville, and Big G’s in Winslow closed after ~38 years in business.
  • Piscataquis County – Whittle Bird Coffee Co opened a coffee shop and cafe in Guilford, Pleasant and Center launched a new outdoor cafe in Monson, and Bissell Brothers closed their brewpub in Milo.
  • Lewiston – AfroTaste and Boba closed in Lewiston, and Crouse House Coffee Roaster launched January. El Pocho’s Mexican Grill has moved into the former Boba space on Lisbon Street.
  • Swanville – Chef Khristoher Hogg opened his new restaurant Circumstance.
  • Camden/Rockland – The Place bakery was featured in a New York Times article about the 22 of the Best Bakeries Across the U.S. Right Now. Closure of Goods in Camden made way for Alna Store alumni Hannah Adams and chef Devin Dearden to open Winona’s. Spice Pizzeria, a second location of The Spot and 13 Oak opened in Rockland. First Fig and Buttermilk Kitchen opened for business in Camden. Me Lon Togo chef/owner Jordan Benissan has shared his plans to move his Rockland restaurant to Freeport in 2025.
  • Elsewhere in the Midcoast – Charm Thai and Aekier Brewing opened and Yonder closed in Wiscasset. Barco Provisions and Rue 77 opened and a fire destroyed Schooner Landing in Damariscotta. Ida’s in Waldoboro continued to expand their range of events and food pop-ups. Four local residents took over management of S. Fernald’s Country Store in Newcastle. Honey’s opened in Thomaston, Dos Gatos Gastro Pub opened in Belfast and Amandine in Searsport.
  • Biddeford/Saco – Apero, Catface Cafe and Edelweiss opened in Biddeford. Finestkind, gluten-free bakery/cafe Sweets & Co., and Swell Nitro Coffee launched in Saco. Owner Mark Johnston retired and closed his longtime Saco business Vic & Whit’s at the end of December and Vickie’s Veggie Table, Pint & Pawn, Lorne Wine, and Dizzy Bird all closed in Biddeford. Additionally, Carolina and Luis Tovar became the new owners of Pacifico.
  • Elsewhere in York County –  Lee Franks opened a second location of their South Berwick burger shack. Mussette owner Jonathan Cartwright launched Caring Community Cuisine, a new initiative to “focusing on family nutrition and human interaction to help those battling cancer.” Oarweed Restaurant in Ogunquit was extensively damaged in a fire, Via Sophia by the Sea closed in Kennebunk. In Limerick, Blaze Brewing Company took over operation of Doles Orchard and Gneiss Brewing went out of business. In Springvale, Downhill Bagels launched in March and closed in December while they seek a new location and Meeting Ground Coffee opened. Finally, Festina Lente launched a second restaurant called Secundo in South Berwick and Alex d’Emarese opened his new bakery/cafe in Baker Bru in North Berwick.


The most popular articles we published in the past year were:

  1. When Pigs Fly – the closing of the bread shop in Bayside. When Pigs Fly had opened the shop in October 2023. (August 31st)
  2. Bao Bao Moving– news that the Stadlers would be moving Bao Bao to Brunswick. (May 13th)
  3. Anania’s – news that owners Ed and Barbara Anania were retiring and selling their Congress Street store. (October 23rd)
  4. Anjon’s – news that the longtime Scarborough restaurant would be reopening. (May 28th)
  5. Cherished Possession – word that a new restaurant was under development in Allen’s Corner. (May 16th)
  6. The Send Brewing – first word that Cole Corbin would be opening a new brewery in the building formerly occupied by Foulmouthed Brewing in Knightville. (June 19th)
  7. Zu Bakery Beard Award – a report from Chicago that Zu Bakery was the recipient of a James Beard Award in the Outstanding Bakery category. (June 10th)
  8. Fujimoto Beard Award– a report from Chicago that  was the recipient of a James Beard Award in the Outstanding Baker category. (June 10th)
  9. Finestkind – first word that a team from Central Provisions/Tipo leader were working on a new restaurant in Saco. (May 14th)
  10. Magissa Opening Soon – a report on the soon-to-open new Greek restaurant in East Bayside. (May 1st)
  11. Cantina Calafia Opening – photos and menu from the West End restaurant that opened on March 13th. (March 10th)
  12. Lucky Cheetah Opening – photos from the new Old Port restaurant opening in the space formerly occupied by the Old Port Tavern. (July 23rd)

The Maine Food Map, Thanksgiving List, Under Construction List, Beard Awards page and guides to Maine cider and Maine apples also received a lot of visitors last year.


The past year witnessed the passing of several members of the Maine food community.

For some additional perspectives on the past year see the Maine Sunday Telegram Best of 2024 round-up.

Maine Food & Dining News: Buxton, Camden, Wiscasset, Rockland, Ogunquit, Biddeford, Westbrook

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Rooted Heart Cafe (website, instagram) in Buxton is scheduled to open for business on January 1st. The cafe and apothecary will be serving a variety of coffee and tea beverages including ones prepared with farm-grown herbs. The cafe menu includes breakfast sandwiches, baked goods, grain bowls, quiche, soup and more.  Rooted Heart Cafe is located at 259 Narragansett Trail and will be open Wednesday through Friday, 7 am – 2 pm, Saturday/Sunday, 8 am – 3 pm.
  • The Place (website, instagram) in Camden (above) was featured in a New York Times article 22 of the Best Bakeries Across the U.S. Right Now. “At the Place, a tiny bakery in Camden, Maine, the ethereally flaky croissant dough (made with local flour and butter) appears in many forms and flavors — swirled into cinnamon buns, folded and sugared into kouign-amanns, layered into loaves”
  • The Lincoln County News reports that Charm Thai (website) has opened in Wiscasset. The 36-seat restaurant is located in the former Miss Wiscasset Diner on Bath Road. It will be open Monday through Saturday, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm, 4 – 8 pm.
  • The Ruckus Donuts Kickstarter campaign was a success and raised $20k+ to help owner Todd Bross buy and build out a food trailer that can transport up to 50 dozen donuts to events.
  • Oarweed Restaurant in Ogunquit was extensively damaged in a fire earlier this week. They hope to reopen in time for the 2025 season.
  • Through the end of the year, Kobe in Biddeford is offering free hot meals to those in need.
  • Mainely Provisions just opened their third location. The new market is located at 110 New Gorham Road in Westbrook.
  • The Maine Calling radio program on Maine Public recently aired a show on Maine’s Winter Farmers’ Markets.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Unity, Oakland, South Portland, Wiscasset, Bangor, Biddeford, Kennebunk

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • The Bangor Daily News reports that Matthew Secich will be closing down his Unity business Charcuterie this spring and moving to Montana.
  • Sunrise Bagel has opened a new location in Oakland. The new shop is located at 50 Main Street and is open Monday through Friday 7 am – 1 pm, Saturday/Sunday 8 am – 1 pm. Sunrise has bagel shops in Waterville and Augusta. They closed their Winthrop shop in October.
  • Maine Public reports that a small research harvest of Maine Shrimp will be taking place early next year. The tasty local shrimp have been off the menu for a decade due to low stock levels.
  • Broadway Bowl, Fork Food Lab, and Red’s Dairy Freeze are recipients of the South Portland business awards in the Best New Business, Business of the Year, and Heart of South Portland categories.
  • The Bangor Daily News reports that a new ice cream shop called Mainely Scoops is under development in Wiscasset in the space formerly occupied by Jodie’s, and that the Bangor Wine & Cheese Company is changing hands.
  • Apéro (websiteinstagram) opened for business on Friday. Apéro is located at 20 Alfred Street and is open Wednesday/Thursday 4 – 9:30 pm, Friday/Saturday 4 – 11 pm, and Sundays 1 – 7 pm.
  • Via Sophia by the Sea has announced that December 22nd will be the last day in business for the Kennebunk restaurant and its downstairs bar the Rabbit Hole.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: South Portland, Swanville, Falmouth, Skowhegan, Auburn

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • A new food truck called Sandwiches (instagram) recently launched in South Portland. Owner Henry Sauve is serving a menu of breakfast sandwich variations (sausage, bacon, spam or avocado), hash browns and coffee from Lay Day Roasters. Sandwiches is open weekdays 7 am – 11 am, and is located in the parking lot of A&C Soda Shop at 501 Cottage Road.
  • The Midcoast Villager reports that Niweskok (website, facebook, instagram), a Wabanaki food sovereignty organization, is soon to purchase a 245 acre farm in Swanville “with the intention of establishing a permanent base for continuing its mission of ‘restoring the Penobscot Bay region as a Wabanaki food hub’ “
  • As reported back in August, Sapporo is moving from their longtime home on Commercial Street to Falmouth. The new restaurant is under construction in a new mixed use building at 267 Us Route 1 called The Wyeth. They hope to open in their new location in February.
  • Mainebiz reports that Maine Grains has received a $700k grant for a $1.3M planned expansion in Skowhegan.
  • Side by Each Brewing in Auburn has announced they’re closing. Their last day in business will be December 31st. Their announcements reads in part, “We want to express our deepest appreciation to the amazing staff here, past and present, who have dealt with the ups and downs of a small business in trying times more gracefully than we could have asked. And to our customers, whether occasional or regular, whether you’ve been coming in since 2019 or made your first visit last week, we also extend our heartfelt thanks.”
  • Taco Trio is moving back to their original location at 119 Ocean Street in the Knightville neighborhood of South Portland.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Ellsworth, Brunswick, Damariscotta, Westbrook, Sanford, Biddeford, Windham, Bath

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Chloe’s Cafe is under construction at 30 Water Street in Ellsworth. The Bangor Daily News reports that owner Gabrielle Conners hopes to open the bakery cafe in January serving breakfast and lunch.
  • Brunswick’s Great Impasta is moving down the street to the space formerly occupied by Maiz at 11 Pleasant Street (right). They expect to reopen by the end of the year. Maiz opened their Brunswick restaurant in 2022 and closed it in August of 2024. The Great Impasta has been in business since 1984 and it was previously located at 42 Maine Street.
  • A new business called Barco Provisions (instagram) recently opened in Damariscotta. Owners Jamie and Penn Way have stocked the shelves with specialty foods from around the globe like Vietnamese fish sauce and panettone from Italy. For more information see this article from The Lincoln County News.
  • Pine Tree Bakery in Westbrook has permanently closed (left). Baker/owner Lesa Beck opened the business earlier this year in April. A message posted on facebook explained that “difficulty in finding staff and rising costs” made it “no longer feasible to continue operating the bakery.” The property is now for sale for $470,000.
  • Owner Billy Nichols has announced he’s searching for a new home for his company Downhill Bagel Company (instagram). Nichols opened his cafe in March and launched weekend wine bar hours later in August. Downhill will be open at their current location through the end of the year.
  • Dizzy Bird Rotisserie has announced they’re closing their Biddeford restaurant at the end of this month. Owner Tom Peacock plans to take some time in the new year to consider how he might restructure the business and space with hopes there might be a way to reopen Dizzy Bird in the future. Dizzy Bird opened for business in March 2019.
  • Waxwing Bakery (websitefacebookinstagram) in Windham is set to open this morning at 7 am. Waxwing is being launched by baker Hannah Buoye and chef Billy Hager. Buoye is the former kitchen manager at Tandem Coffee and Hager had been the executive chef at Helm.
  • Down East has published an article about Linden + Front, a restaurant that opened earlier this year in Bath.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Rockland, Freeport, Scarborough, Brunswick, Searsport

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Ruckus Donuts has launched a $20k crowdfunding campaign to help purchase a food truck.
  • Stacks Pancake Company has launched their second location at 183 US Route 1 in Scarborough. It’s open 6 am to 2:30 pm daily. The Papanikoleau family opened the original Stacks on Riverside in July 2021.
  • The Times Record reports that the owner of the Jameson Tavern in Freeport has closed the restaurant with hopes to reopen the tavern in Windham.
  • The Abbey in Brunswick has launched a Sunday brunch service. The menu includes options like a Cider Sausage Porridge and a Turkish egg and tomato dish called Menemen.
  • The Bangor Daily News reports that the former Tozier’s Market has reopened under new ownership with the new name of Edwards Brothers Supermarkets. The Edwards brothers Jason and Jeremy have other markets located in Unity, Trenton and Dover-Foxcroft. Tozier’s had gone out of business this summer after more than two decades in business.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Bath, Brunswick, Springvale, Alna

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Tony and Chelsea Bickford have taken over the Scarlet Begonia’s space at 16 Station Ave in Brunswick (right photo) where they plan to launch Pomelia (instagram). Pomelia will serve a menu of Sicilian-inspired pastas, pizzas, and street food along with cocktails and wine. The menu will also have a broad selection of non-alcoholic drinks.
    The Bickfords shared, “We’re opening a Sicilian eatery that blends tradition with a retro-modern twist, serving up the rich flavors of Sicily’s diverse cultural history. Sicily has been influenced by so many different cultures, and that’s reflected in the bold, varied flavors we can’t wait to share with you! We’re all about great food and warm hospitality.”
    The Bickfords are making some renovations to the restaurant and hope to launch Pomelia in early January. Stay tuned to their instagram account for updates and an announcement about a launch date.
    For seven years up until 2021 the Bickfords ran Little Village Bistro in Wiscasset. They both grew up in the Midcoast and now live in Bath. Doug and Colleen Lavallee announced last week that they’d be closing Scarlet Begonias after nearly 30 years in business. The restaurant was originally located at 212 B Maine St.
  • Solo Pane e Pasticceria (website, facebook, instagram) is expanding into the space adjacent to the right of their storefront on Centre Street in Bath (left photo) which was formerly occupied by the Paperback Trader bookstore. The initial phase of construction will provide the bakery some back operation space and capabilities like additional walk-in space and dry storage. Then by early spring Solo will begin installation of a second oven for expanded production flexibility and capacity. The second phase of construction will also include the buildout a larger public space which will nearly triple their indoor seating from 12 seats to 30-36 seats. With the launch of the larger dining area Solo Pane e Pasticceria plans to expand their offerings to include some early evening light fare.
  • Meeting Grounds Cafe (website, facebook, instagram)  recently opened. It is located 489 Main St in the village of Springvale. In addition to coffee and baked goods, Meeting Grounds also serves soup, salads and sandwiches. Meeting Grounds plans to hold a grand opening for the business on December 2nd.
  • The Times Record recently published an article about The Alna Store.

For a statewide guide to eating and drinking see the Maine Food Map—a growing list of coffee shops, bars, restaurants, bakeries, cafes, and other food and dining businesses in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

Maine Food & Dining News: Bridgton, South Portland, Freeport, Brunswick, Turner

New food and dining developments are taking place all across Maine. Here are some recent updates to keep you in the know:

  • Bar Kosho (facebook, instagram) has opened for business in Bridgton (bottom left). The Asian fusion restaurant and bar is a collaboration between The Little Mountain Store and Street Eats chef Jeremy Donovan. The menu (see full menu below) includes items like Tuna Tataki (unagi glaze, tarragon oil, karashi mustard, tobiko, purple shiso) and peekeytoe crab toast (toasted milk bread, leeks, red curry coconut, yuzu tobiko). Bar Kosho is open Thursday through Saturday, 4 – 11 pm and 4 – 9 pm on Sunday. They’re located at 1382 North High St in Bridgton.
  • Second Rodeo Coffee (instagram) opened for business on Saturday (top right). The Ferry Village coffee shop and community gathering spot is located at 124 Sawyer Street in South Portland. Second Rodeo is serving Vivid Coffee from Vermont. Brewed coffee and a full range of espresso-based drinks are available. Food options on the menu include breakfast sandwiches, baked goods and avocado toast (see the full menu below). Second Rodeo is open weekdays, 7 am – 2 pm, and weekends 8 am – 3 pm.
  • Chef/owner Jordan Benissan is planning to move his Rockland restaurant Me Lon Togo (website, facebook, instagram) to Freeport. As shared on the MLT restaurant website, the menu “pulls from West Africa’s indigenous and colonial influences to establish his unique representation of West African cuisine.” The new restaurant will be located in a ground floor space at 58 Main Street (bottom right). Benissan plans to close down in Rockland in January and launch the Freeport location in February. This will be Me Lon Togo’s fourth location and is part of his efforts to provide diners in Maine the chance to experience his home country’s cuisine by moving the restaurant to different communities “one small town at a time.” He hopes the success of Me Lon Togo will inspire other immigrants from Africa to launch restaurants in Maine.
  • The owners of Dutchman’s in Brunswick have announced that they will be taking over management of the space they share with Nomad (upper left) in the Fort Andross Mill. Nomad has shared that their last day in business will be November 24th. Dutchman’s post on instagram indicates that, “As we get closer and round the corner into 2025, more details will become available about what is to come with the restaurant side of the space. We are excited and poised to execute yet another vision of what hospitality is to us and we can’t wait to share it with you all.”
  • Elevenes (website, instagram), the hobbit-themed all-day cafe and bakery under construction at 50 Maine Street in Brunswick has announced they’ll be opening on January 11th.
  • The Sun Journal published an article about Deltacom Coffee and its founder John Wayne Nelson.