A new Somali restaurant called Al Huda has opened in Morrill’s Corner next to Banadir Halal Market in the space formerly occupied by Shack’s Pub.
Category: Openings
Bakery on the Hill Opening Today
The Bakery on the Hill plans to open for business today at noon. The bakery is located in the foothills of the East End just a couple doors down from Figa.
Plush West End Now Open
Plush West End opened tonight. The cocktail/wine/tapas bar is at 106 High Street in the space that was the original home of Katahdin.
GoBerry Open
GoBerry, a frozen yogurt shop, opened for business Wednesday. The business is located on Fore Street across from Gritty’s. GoBerry also has 2 locations in Western, Mass.
New Blogs: Urban Jungle Honeybees & Mainely Eating
A pair of new entries have been added to the PFM blog list:
- Urban Jungle Beekeeping is the online journal of the volunteer beekeeper who manages the hive at the Urban Farm Fermentory.
- Mainely Eating is written by Lady X who shares her experiences eating out (see reviews of Kon, Ribollita and Aroma) and at home. Her latest entry is part one of a series on brewing mead.
Crepe Factory Food Cart
Crepe Factory has been added to the PFM directory. Crepe Factory originated in Old Orchard Beach and plans on spending the remainder of the 2011 food cart season in Portland. This morning they were located out in Front of DiMillo’s on Commercial Street.
Bam Bam Bakery Now Open
People with Celiac Disease or gluten allergies have reason to cheer today. Bam Bam Bakery, a gluten-free bakery, opened for business today on Commercial Street. They’ll be holding a Grand Opening on Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
Photos from The Holy Donut
Here are a couple photos from today’s opening of The Holy Donut. By the time I left they had 7 different varieties for sale. Both the Maple Walnut and the Bacon Cheddar were excellent.
The Holy Donut Opens Tomorrow
The Holy Donut is opening a retail shop on Middle Street. Owner Leigh Kellis tells me that tomorrow morning The Holy Donut will start selling donuts and coffee weekday mornings (7:30 – 10 am) from the first floor of the East Ender at 47 Middle Street.
For tomorrow’s launch she hopes to have 5-6 varieties available including: dark chocolate, ginger sweet potato, plain Maine potato, buttermilk with maple glaze & crushed walnuts and bacon & sharp cheddar.
Granny’s Burritos Now Open
Granny’s Burritos reopened today. They’re located on the 2nd floor of the Public Market House in the space formerly occupied by Deux Cochon. This is the 5th location for Granny’s. Owner Chris Godin started on Market Street in the lobby of Granny Killam’s, moved to 10 Exchange Street, then to 420 Fore Street, was closed for a while then for a short time operated at 653 Congress Street, closed again and now is on Monument Square.