The East Ender is Now Open

East Ender opened tonight serving a limited menu of drinks and appetizers such as meat and cheese plates, salad, fries and deviled eggs. You can see a draft of their full menu on their website (click on the word Delicious at the bottom of the homepage).

East Ender is located on Middle Street adjacent to Duckfat in the space formerly occupied by Norm’s East End Grill. Megan Schroeter and Mitch Gerow who had worked together as the bar manager and sous chef at Evangeline are the owners of East Ender.

District Grille Opening

District Grille is opening with a limited appetizer menu and a cash bar tonight. They will be closed on Wednesday and plan to reopen with full dinner service starting Thursday . Pete Sueltenfuss is leading the kitchen staff with brothers Bill and James O’Brien along with Anthony Mastropasqua as owners of the restaurant.
The restaurant’s liquor license application states that they plan to serve an “Upscale American” menu.

Trader Joe's: First Day Photos and Reportage

The news coverage of the Trader Joe’s opening extends into it’s first day with photos and commentary on From Away, and articles from the Bowdoin Orient and Press Herald.
Here’s an excerpt from the From Away,

In front of a crowd of people that circled the packed-to-capacity parking lot, Portland Mayor Nicholas Mavodones and Portland “Store Captain” Tracy Acciola performed a ceremonial lei cutting, before the first lucky patrons were let in the door, to cheers from the Hawaiian shirt-bedecked staff. Excited customers had taken the day off from work; one woman I spoke to pulled her daughter out of school for the day. Whole Foods, you’re in big trouble.