Trader Joe’s: First Day Photos and Reportage

The news coverage of the Trader Joe’s opening extends into it’s first day with photos and commentary on From Away, and articles from the Bowdoin Orient and Press Herald.

Here’s an excerpt from the From Away,

In front of a crowd of people that circled the packed-to-capacity parking lot, Portland Mayor Nicholas Mavodones and Portland “Store Captain” Tracy Acciola performed a ceremonial lei cutting, before the first lucky patrons were let in the door, to cheers from the Hawaiian shirt-bedecked staff. Excited customers had taken the day off from work; one woman I spoke to pulled her daughter out of school for the day. Whole Foods, you’re in big trouble.

Happy Terriyaki –> Korea House

Soooo . . You Really Like Cats has written about Happy Teriyaki’s impending transformation into Korea House. The new restaurant will feature a fully Korean menu. The changeover is scheduled to take place on October 1.

One of the big differences in the menu is that there are so many Korean entrees now that they are grouped by food group (e.g. meat) or dish type (e.g. stews). What was previously only three lonely seafood dishes has expanded dramatically to at least a dozen different seafood dishes, which makes me absolutely delighted to see. Fish specifically makes a big entrance to the restaurant’s transformation. She has two preparations for it, grilled and braised. Below are three of the four grilled fish that are new on the menu.

Happy Terriyaki –> Korea House

Soooo . . You Really Like Cats has written about Happy Teriyaki’s impending transformation into Korea House. The new restaurant will feature a fully Korean menu. The changeover is scheduled to take place on October 1.

One of the big differences in the menu is that there are so many Korean entrees now that they are grouped by food group (e.g. meat) or dish type (e.g. stews). What was previously only three lonely seafood dishes has expanded dramatically to at least a dozen different seafood dishes, which makes me absolutely delighted to see. Fish specifically makes a big entrance to the restaurant’s transformation. She has two preparations for it, grilled and braised. Below are three of the four grilled fish that are new on the menu.

The New Rosemont

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about the new Rosemont Market at 580 Brighton Ave that’s scheduled to open on Friday.

The new store will be twice the size of the old one, with red pine floors milled in New Hampshire and a color scheme along the lines of salmon, mustard and key lime pie. There’s more room for produce in the new space, and a new 8-foot meat case will serve Maine- and New Hampshire-raised meats cut on site.

And Rosemont’s blog has a post about the recent Twilight Dinner that their staff cooked at the Cultivating Community farm in Cape Elizabeth.