Cocktail Mary (website, instagram) has announced plans to move the cocktail bar to a new larger location in Portland. Founder Isaac MacDougal has launched a $100k campaign on NuMarket—a platform that specializes in helps food and beverage businesses—to finance the move. Contributors to NuMarket campaigns are granted a business credit—for every $100 you commit to Cocktail Mary you’ll get a $120 credit at the new location.
We have officially outgrown our current location and are looking for the community to invest in the future of Cocktail Mary. A place where we have the space to throw the dance parties of all of our dreams! We are always looking for ways to provide to our community with more and have so many exciting things in the works but need your help. This is a bit of a heavy lift but we are looking to raise $100,000 in order to complete the build out of a the new space. We’re reaching out to you, our awesome community members, to help with this growth we so desperately need and are so excited to give you something in return.
On a separate track, MacDougal and a set of business partners are launching a new establishment at 441 Congress Street called Supper Club Cocktail Lounge which is expected to open by the end of March.
Update: The goal for the campaign was subsequently revised to $30,000.