The Food & Dining section in today’s Press Herald includes a feature article on the Maine Food Producers Alliance.
The alliance holds workshops that teach up-and-coming stovetop businesses all the practical things they need to know, from picking out the best packaging to the do’s and don’ts of approaching major retailers. The group includes businesses of all sizes, from Stonewall Kitchen – whose owners started out selling their products at local farmers markets – to smaller ventures such as the Perfect Peanut Brittle Co. in Saco.
For more information on the MFPA visit their website.
Rosemont Market is now open on Commercial street. That was fast. Sign outside says open 12-3 today and the lady was sitting at the register at the front of the big garage door and they had a bunch of fruit facing the window. I hope that’s a functioning garage door/window that can be opened in good weather.
On their facebook page too