This Week’s Events: Apple Tastings, Harvest on the Harbor, Indie Biz Awards, Macaron Workshop

Monday – the 6th Annual Heirloom Apple Tasting (sold out) is taking place.

Wednesday – the Monument Square Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Thursday – it’s the first day of Harvest on the Harbor, and the Indie Biz Awards event are taking place.

Friday – Harvest on the Harbor continues.

SaturdayMcDougal’s is holding their annual apple tasting at their orchard in Springvale, Suga Suga is teaching a Macaron Workshop, Harvest on the Harbor continues, and the Deering Oaks Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Sunday – it’s the last day of Harvest on the Harbor.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Review of Dizzy Bird

The Maine Sunday Telegram has reviewed Dizzy Bird in Biddeford.

Together, in a vibrantly painted space, they produce some of the area’s best spit-roasted meats, including juicy, crisp-skinned chickens that gleam as they rotate, and tender, pink roast beef (on Little Spruce breads, both also make excellent sandwiches). Vegetarian dishes are a surprising strength at Dizzy Birds, everything from a turmeric-and-curry pumpkin bisque ($3.75) to sweet, complex vegan baked beans and a Tex-Mex-style tofu sandwich that is too good to miss. But frankly, service is a train wreck, with ticket times inching perilously close to 30 minutes even when the dining room is nearly empty. Tom Peacock’s best advice (and mine): Order ahead.

Brian Boru Property Purchased by MEMIC

The Press Herald reports that the Brian Boru property was purchased by MEMIC. The purchase completed their ownership of the block between Cotton, Spring, Center and Fore Streets. MEMIC doesn’t have immediate plans to build on the site.

[Former Boru owner Daniel] Steele is sure MEMIC has a long-term plan for the property, but for the moment he expects it will lease the Brian Ború building.

“I would love to see it reopen as a pub so I could visit again,” he said.

Harvest on the Harbor 2019

Harvest on the Harbor is coming up soon, October 17 – 20. The annual food festival has a program of 8 scheduled events:

This Week’s Events: Lebanese Wine Dinner, Whiskey Blending Workshop

Tuesday – Evo is holding a Lebanese Wine Dinner.

Wednesday – the Monument Square Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Friday – Man and Oak is teaching a Whiskey Blending Workshop being held at New England Distilling.

Saturday – the Deering Oaks Farmers’ Market is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

A Cider Revival

Today’s Maine Sunday Telegram, reports on the growing interest in cider developing in Maine.

The introduction of mass-produced hard ciders, along with the growing farm-to-table movement and renewed interest in rediscovering old apple varieties, helped pave the way for the new cider movement. Americans who were already developing more adventurous palates decided that if they could embrace a whole new world of craft beer, why not give hard cider a try, too? By 2014, Maine was seeing a significant increase in the number of people applying for licenses to become commercial hard cider makers, according to the state Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations. By 2017, 11 new cider makers had opened for business. Maine now has 18 licensed cideries.

Review of East Ender

The Maine Sunday Telegram has reviewed East Ender.

East Ender’s menu of comforting, contemporary and generously portioned dishes rarely includes missteps. The cold-smoked cheeseburger has become a local icon, due in part to its rich schmaltz bun and triple-fried French fries. Similarly, the blackout-dark chocolate torte and peanut-topped, crunch Asian slaw seem well on their way to the same kind of fame. But the best dish on the menu might be braised pork shoulder that has been glazed in a fiery citrus glaze and nestled into an oozy mound of soft-cooked grits — a perfect plate to put into your Rolodex just as the weather starts to turn chilly.

Candy’s is Now Open

Candy’s (websiteinstagram) opened for business on Thursday. They’re located at 34 Portland Street adjacent to the Maine Oyster Company. Candy’s is hybrid of a coffee shop by day, a cafe/cocktail bar at night and a “queer community hub” all the time.

grab a coffee and hang in the queer library in the morning. shoot some pool. teach a workshop. attend a workshop. come to a show. host a show. listen to our podcast. bring the fam, whatever that may mean to you. drink a drink. eat some snacks. talk to pals. be kind to one another.

Candy’s is sourcing their coffee beans from Onyx Coffee Lab, a roaster from Arkansas prepared by barista Milo Degoosh. If you stop later in the day when the bar is open I can recommend the Mainer’s Sazerac.