Review of Duckfat

The Maine Sunday Telegram has reviewed Duckfat.

I find the fried onions, pork belly and ham (which Ben recently delivered here), delectable eaten straight up with my fingers, while Ben cuts the Sorella’s Bakehouse brioche rolls in half to fill with various combos of ham and fried onions or duck terrine and pickles. His works of art look like the perfect highbrow sandwich, though still providing lowbrow delight.

Review of J’s Oyster Bar

Peter Peter Portland Eater has reviewed J’s Oyster Bar.

J’s has the distinction of being one of the finest dives in Portland – a place where moderately low class and culinary arts class intersect to make a burping, bubbling cauldron of absolute awesome that is as entertaining as it is delicious. Everything about the restaurant says “party like is 1983 and feel free to drink like it’s the prohibition.”

Blue Spoon

Eat Maine has posted a profile of Blue Spoon.

When Iovino opened the doors in 2004, he envisioned a neighborhood meeting place, which is exactly what Blue Spoon has become, especially during its wildly popular version of happy hour, simply called “wine time.” The bistro burger, made with lean ground steak in a Burgundy reduction and topped with caramelized onions, garners an almost cult-like following throughout the city. ­­

Immigrant Kitchens: Russian Beef Tongue

In the latest entry from Immigrant Kitchens, Lindsay Sterling learns how to make Russian Beef Tongue from Yulia Converse and Alla Zagoruyko (read the story, get the recipe and see the photos).

Most animal parts come so deconstructed from the whole that I don’t think of animals at all when I’m cooking. Steak tips are steak tips. Hamburgers are hamburgers. This is perhaps how I’ve lived as a meat eater, in a kind of denial: I’m not eating animals, I’m eating meat. But recently I came face to face with an animal part that threatened my usual delusion. At a recent family reunion, my brother-in-law, Tom, gave me a gift from Vermont: the tongue of his young grass-fed, organic heifer.

Under Construction: Dutch’s

A new restaurant called Dutch’s (facebook, instagram, twitter) is now under construction at 28 Preble Street in the space formerly occupied by Down Home Cookin’. Owner Ian Dutch plans to “using the best ingredients to Create Food You Crave“.

The menu will include sandwich items like the Dutch Crunch (red wine braised beef, mashed potatos, crispy onions) and the Crispy Chicken (chicken, red pepper jelly, bacon, cheddar, romaine). Dutch’s will be open for breakfast and lunch.

See the PFM Under Construction page for a complete list of Portland food businesses in development.

Under Construction: Makara’s Market

Makara’s Market (facebook)—formerly Mittapheap Market on Washington Ave—has launched a crowdfunding campaign. Owner Makara Meng is in the final stages of launching her new market on Brighton Ave. She plans on using the $6,500 raise in Kickstarter-clone Indiegogo for the initial cost of inventory, a to-go kitchen and initial marketing expenses.

For more information or to contribute to the campaign visit Indiegogo.