This Week's Events

Monday — the new Monday Farmers Market is taking place in Monument Square.
Wednesday — the midweek Farmers Market is taking place in Monument Square.
ThursdaySlow Food Portland is hosting an event at the Portland Museum of Art which will include the Objects of Wonder exhibit, local food and an address by food author and historian Nancy Harmon Jenkins; Grace is holding a wine dinner; Black Tie Bistro is teaching a cooking class.
Friday Wine Wise is holding their first wine education event; wine tastings are taking place a Scarborough Wine Outlet and the West End Deli; the grand opening of Local Sprouts/Bomb Diggity is scheduled to take place.
Saturday — the weekend Farmers Market is taking place in Deering Oaks Park; LeRoux Kitchen is holding a wine dinner.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.
If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

This Week’s Events

Monday — the new Monday Farmers Market is taking place in Monument Square.

Wednesday — the midweek Farmers Market is taking place in Monument Square.

ThursdaySlow Food Portland is hosting an event at the Portland Museum of Art which will include the Objects of Wonder exhibit, local food and an address by food author and historian Nancy Harmon Jenkins; Grace is holding a wine dinner; Black Tie Bistro is teaching a cooking class.

Friday Wine Wise is holding their first wine education event; wine tastings are taking place a Scarborough Wine Outlet and the West End Deli; the grand opening of Local Sprouts/Bomb Diggity is scheduled to take place.

Saturday — the weekend Farmers Market is taking place in Deering Oaks Park; LeRoux Kitchen is holding a wine dinner.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Frost Impacts Apple Crop

Saturday’s Press Herald included an article on the early May frost will impact  this year’s Maine apple crop.

Some Maine apple orchards have lost virtually their entire crops two weeks after being hit by a killer frost.

Although many blossoms and early apples appeared to have survived the freeze that began the morning of May 10, they are now wilting and falling to the ground in huge numbers.

Under Construction: Local Sprouts

The Munjoy Hill News has posted an update on the Local Sprouts Cafe, which is under construction at 645 Congress Street in the former Portland Hall dormitory. According the article, Local Sprouts is planning on opening next Friday in time for the First Friday Art Walk.

[Meara] Smith will serve as a chef at Local Sprouts. Previously she has cooked at Street & Co., Caiola, Pepperclub Restaurant and Aurora Provisions. She currently works part-time at the Blue Spoon.

Photos of the Bard Latte Art Competition

PortlandTown has published a set of photos he took at Thursday’s latte art competition at Bard Coffee. Anyone is welcome to participate in the monthly event. There are usually baristas from several coffee shops as well as an amateur or two in the mix. This month’s winner was Justin McEdward. I think the next competition will take place June 24. I’ll add it to the calendar as soon as I confirm the date.
Photo Credit: Michael Barriault