Barava Review

The Portland Phoenix has reviewed Barava, the new Somali restaurant that opened on Congress street early last month.

The entrées, while perfectly fine, could not live up to the opening. The kabaab, “broiled with complementing addition in the tandoor” as the menu said, was a bit drier as an entrée then it seemed in the basket. But is came with a creamy, spicy, lemony hummus, and a spectacular thick African flatbread called muufo baravani.

More on the Deathmatch

More information has made it online about Sunday’s Deathmatch. Zack Bowen has published 300+ photos of the event, the Rabelais Books blog reports that the “marathon of mastication was a good one”, and Accidental Vegetables has a brief report but promises that she’ll have “a full report in Deathmatch Last Meal” soon. JohnnyD has continued to add to his thread about the event on the eGullet forum.

Project Chef

Professor Ardis Cameron, a professor of American and New England Studies at USM, is teaching a class this summer entitled “Project Chef: Documenting Portland’s Food Industry“. As part of the class, students will interiview local chefs, wait staff or others involved in the local food economy. Required reading for the course includes Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. According to the syllabus, “The project’s goal is to produce a narrative for public presentation and distribution.” I look forward to hearing what they put together.

Rosemont Market Review

Tasting in Tongues has published a review of Rosemont Market and Bakery.

The Rosemont Market & Bakery has a neighborhood feel with a world-class selection run by an expert and friendly staff.  Their focus is on local foods – produce, meats, dairy, eggs, and specialty products.  All 3 locations feature artisanal breads and pastries made at their Brighton Avenue location.  Their wine selection is way above par – extensive, unique and inexpensive.

This Week’s Events

Test you Portland culinary knowledge at Monday’s Food and Drink Trivia Night being held at Bull Feeney’s. According to The Maine Switch, the farmers’ market in Monument Square has started up ahead of schedule this year and will be open on Wednesday morning. This Wednesday afternoon there’s an open house at Portland’s community supported kitchen Local Sprouts. On Thursday, the Community Television Network will host a panel discusion on Maine Food Systems. Also on Thursday, The Great Lost Bear is showcasing beers from D.L. Geary Brewing. There are three classes scheduled this week: at Piatto per Tutti on Monday; as well as Maine Ambassadors of Food and Drink classes on Tuesday and Thursday. There are two wine tasting:  at Browne Trading on Thursday and Kitchen and Cork on Saturday. For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

More on Bard Coffee

The self-described coffee addict in charge of the Waiting for That Rocket’s blog has posted a profile of Bard Coffee Roasters.

Huzzah! There’s a new coffee shop in Downtown PTL! ((Because that’s exactly what I need – yet another place to feed my addiction)) The new place is called “Bard,” and it’s a surprisingly nice place. The interior is bright, there’s tons of seating, and the baristas have both personality AND smiles (something that may occasionally be lacking in my other coffee shops of choice).