Erik Desjarlais @ Weft & Warp Seamster

Former chef Erik Desjarlais has written an article for Find Eat Drink about his new career as a craftsman. His business Weft & Warp Seamster produces hand-crafted knife rolls.

I picked up the Chandler Adler sewing machine, (“Mule”, as I call her) and the hand tools. The touch quickly came back to me, and the soft whirr stirred up fond memories of working in Grandpa’s shop. I made a few knife rolls, based on the design of my twenty year old roll. One for my wife, then one for my knives. Trial and error brought me to a design I was happy with, and I sold a slew of them before Christmas. And so was born Weft & Warp Seamster.

Review of Silly’s with a Twist

The Portland Phoenix has published a review of Silly’s with a Twist, or as it’s referred to in the article SWAT.

SWAT manages to look exactly like what Silly’s would look like if it were a bar — which is probably harder than it sounds. It looks lived-in, eclectic, knick-knacky, comfortable, and a bit darker. It has also developed a cocktail list that recreates the insouciant spirit of the original. There is a vibe of kitchen-laboratory experimentation. The names are goofy, and the mixers largely an assortment of sweet juices, Izze sodas, and other soft drinks. Some rims are salted, but more feature some sort of syrupy sugar, like butterscotch, Nutella, or maple syrup. While these are not sophisticated cocktails, they are refreshingly easy to drink. And they mostly come in beer steins, with plenty of ice — which reinforces the point.

Restaurant Smoking Etiquette

Today’s Portland Daily Sun includes an article about restaurant smoking etiquette.

The hazy in hazy, hot and humid has taken on a new meaning lately as I seek a place to drink and dine al fresco where I am not assaulted by second-hand smoke. I’m not talking about chainsmoking Canadian tourists in banana hammocks, or European nationals who are accustomed to being in Rome and doing what other Romans do. I’m talking about designated outdoor dining areas, where patrons smoke butts directly upwind from me, and employees in full uniform brazenly light up in plain view, thus wrecking my good time.

Winemaker Michael Terrien

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about Maine native and California winemaker Michael Terrien. Terrien was raised by back to the landers and fished with Linda Greenlaw before moving to California and getting his start in the wine industry.

The winemaker’s trip to Maine in May was a special event because Browne Trading Co. is the only retail market in the country that sells his chardonnay. He plans to return later this month to begin a new project working with Maine blueberries – more on that later.

“I’m so impressed with Portland’s – and Maine’s in general – food scene,” Terrien said. “It’s just mind-boggling how the quality is way beyond what it should be for the population size.”

Food Blog: The Orexiad

A food blog called The Orexiad has been added to the Food Map. It’s written by “a man obsessed with cooking in, dining out and eating well [who] moves from the most ethnically diverse county (Queens, NY) to the whitest state in the nation (Maine), yet discovers new culinary worlds awaiting him.”

The most recent post on Orexiad is a review of  Tandoor Bakery.

We also had falafel, which came with the ful, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and onions and that wonderful tenur as part of a plate for one that would have been enough for three. Texturally perfect, and its flavored married beautifully with the ful and vegetables to form a perfect sandwich.

This Week’s Events: Spanish Wine tasting, Twilight Dinner, Vinland Tasting Dinner, Bastille Day

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — a Spanish wine tasting is scheduled to take place at Vignola/Cinque Terre, Cultivating Community’s second Twilight Dinner of the summer is taking place at their farm in Cape Elizabeth (tickets available online), it’s the first night of Vinland’s #6 tasting dinner, and The Great Lost Bear is showcasing holiday beers at their Christmas in July event.

Friday — it’s the second and last night of Vinland’s #6 tasting dinner.

Saturday — Petite Jacqueline is holding a Bastille Day Brunch, there will be a Bastille Day Feast at Cultivating Community, Wine Wise is organizing a wine walk in the Old Port, and the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Farm Camp & Organic Corn Criticism

Today’s Press Herald includes an article about the farm camp operating this summer at Broadturn Farm,

The camp offers eight, one-week sessions for children ages 4 to 14. Organizers expect about 150 children to attend this year. Some campers return year after year, while others are experiencing a farm for the first time, said Megan Dunn, program co-director. Camp programming centers on a farm-based education approach where children learn about the cyclical nature of agriculture and animal husbandry.

and a Maine Voices opinion piece critical of last week’s Natural Foodie column on organic corn.

Interview with Jason Williams @ The Well

Sustainable Food News has published an interview with Jason Williams, chef/owner of The Well.

SFN: What’s the focus of the Well?
JW: All about supporting Maine farmers, cooking good food and giving it to people of all income levels. You could find this food in the nicest restaurants in Portland, but this place isn’t about that. You can come in without a reservation, without a shirt and tie or dressed up. You can come and get a decent meal that’s prepared from local quality product.

Review of Nosh

Pig Trip has published a review of Nosh.

Despite its porky aspirations, this burger is more of a vehicle for the toppings. A beef-pork blend should be a bonus extra, but here it just leaves me wanting something extra to give it the promised oomph. It’s not bad or even approaching it—and I’d probably go back. But for me, Nosh is more interesting than good.

Best Beer Bars: Great Lost Bear

The Great Lost Bear has made it onto the Food & Wine list of America’s Best Beer Bars.

A charming, cluttered Portland bar, Great Lost Bear started serving craft microbrews in 1979 when it had just eight taps. As the number of local breweries grew, so did the offerings. Sixty-nine taps now spotlight microbreweries like Marshall Wharf, whose Big Twitch is a sweet, citrusy style of IPA.