Tuesday — release day for Vrienden a collaboration between Allagash and New Belgium Brewing. Vrienden is brewed with dandelions and elderberry and described by Allagash as “tart, fruity, earthy”.
Wednesday — Grace will be comparing wines from the Rhone Valley and Paso Robles for the April edition of their wine club.
Thursday —Boston Beer Company will be featured at this week at The Great Lost Bear.
Saturday — the Winter Farmers Market is taking place at the Irish Heritage Center.
Sunday — Wine Wise the Chadwick Bed & Breakfast are collaborating to offer a 5-course cooking class, brunch with wine education event.
Food+Farm — the 2011 Food+Farm is taking place April 14-17. It starts on Thursday with a dramatic reading of the the play Of Farms and Fables, continues on Friday with an appearance by Anna Lappé from the Small Planet Institute. On Saturday morning F+F moves out to Cape Elizabeth to “wake up” the Cultivating Community farm and that evening they’ll be a screening of The Greenhorns followed by a discussion with the director. Food+Farm wraps up on Sunday with a pair of workshops on urban farming at the Urban Farm Fermentory. Visit the SPACE Gallery website for more information and to buy tickets.
For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.
If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.
Make sure you come by and watch the debacle as Doug from SoPO learns that like his ponytai his Ettouffe is old and long gone and while talk is cheap it takes money to buy land and he’s broke.