Favorite Dishes, Lobster Market, SoPo Farmers Market

Today’s Press Herald includes a survey of chefs and food writers about standout dishes from the past year,

This week, in honor of Maine Restaurant Week, I asked local chefs, food writers and food bloggers to name the best dish they’ve had in a Maine restaurant over the past year.

Some of them couldn’t resist waxing poetic about an entire meal. Others cheated a little and named two dishes.

an article about the 2013 lobster market,

With last year’s glut of lobsters and plummeting prices still a vivid memory, Maine lobstermen are hatching strategies to cultivate new markets and more customers for the state’s leading fishery.

and a report on plans (or lack thereof) for the South Portland farmers market.

The South Portland farmers market, which was established in 2011, is without a home for the upcoming summer season, according to its manager.

MRW at The Salt Exchange

The Golden Dish has published an overview of the Maine Restaurant Week dinner at the The Salt Exchange.

The three courses offered were a good sampling of the stylish American bistro fare that the restaurant does so well. The prix fixe presented such dishes as a novel take on shrimp cocktail, to a classic frisee salad with poached egg, to such satisfying main courses as braised short ribs; lobster in a luscious cream sauce and roast pork loin.


Review of Bar Lola

barlola_mmMap & Menu has published a review of Bar Lola.

The four years we’ve lived here is a long time to wait for a meal as delicious as ours, but slowly but surely we’re covering each of the best places in Portland, and Bar Lola definitely ranks towards to the top of that list. I can’t wait for our return visit.

Photo Credit: Map & Menu

Brunch Review of Sonny’s

The Breakfast Club has published a review of Sonny’s.

The meal was really good, piping hot (the whole thing is baked in the oven), and had a pretty perfect ratio of components. The potatoes could’ve been cooked a little more (maybe a tad of crispiness?) and the eggs a little less, but all-in-all, this meal was delicious. I especially appreciated the garnish of lightly-pickled purple cabbage on top. A lovely pop of color, and tasty to boot. I would definitely order it again.

Under Construction: Union Bagel Co.


Union Bagel Company (website, Facebook) has leased the old Katie Made space at 147 Cumberland Ave and is in the process of renovating it to serve as their bagel bakery. They hope to open sometime in April.

Co-owner Paul Farrell tells me that in addition to their bakery, 147 Cumberland will also have a small and simple retail operation where you’ll be able to get coffee, juice and, of course, bagels and cream cheese to go.

New England Distilling Interview

Eat Maine has published an interview with Ned Wight and Tim Fisher from New England Distilling.

“I love smelling it in the glass,” he says. “One of my favorite things about drinking spirits is the empty glass. I keep coming back to the glass and sniff it and see what’s happening in there. It changes a lot, it keeps on going—even after the liquid is out, it keeps on going.”

TBC Comeback

The Breakfast Club crew has announced that they’re making a comeback. Read all about the changes since their last review 3½ years ago on the TBC site.

Yes, you read that correctly: The Portland Breakfast Club is officially back in action! The Usual and Wild Toast have recently moved back to Maine from the State-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, to find The Benny Girl anxiously awaiting their return with fork and tea infuser in hand.

This Week’s Events: MRW, PSO Wine Dinner, Layne Witherell, Cocktail and Dessert Competition

MondayMaine Restaurant Week continues this week through to Sunday. As part of MRW, a number of area bars are participating in the Double Cross Vodka cocktail competition. The folks at El Rayo Cantina tell me they’ll be donating $1 to United Way for every cocktail they serve.

TuesdaySlow Food Portland is holding a potluck dinner.

Wednesday — the 12th Annual Portland Symphony Wine Dinner and Auction is taking place. Chefs from the Haraseeket, Fore Street, Petite Jacqueline, Inn by the Sea and Grace and each designing and preparing a course of the meal. A few seats are still available.

ThursdayLayne Witherell, author of Wine Maniacs: Life in the Wine Biz will be at Longfellow for a book signing, the Bier Cellar is holding a tasting of saison/farmhouse ales, and the Great Lost Bear will be featuring beers from Founders Brewing.

Friday — there will be a wine tasting Rosemont.

Saturday — the Winter Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Maine Restaurant Week’s Signature Event, a cocktail and dessert competition, is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.