This Week’s Events: Cajun Cooking Challenge, Port and Chocolate, Chocolat and Beer, Chilli and Chowder Challenge, Valentine’s Day

Monday — there will be an Italian Wine Seminar co-hosted by Caiola’s and Devenish Wines.

Tuesday — the 17th Annual Cajun Cooking Challenge is taking place, the organizers of Green Drinks are hosting a Green Dinner at The Salt Exchange and the UFF is teaching a mushroom growing workshop.

Wednesday — a wine tasting is taking place at Old Port Wine Merchants. LeRoux Kitchen, in cooperation with chef Skawinski from Cinque, is holding an Italian cooking demonstration.

Thursday — Browne Trading is hosting a Port and Chocolate tasting, an Italian wine dinner is taking place at Vignola, and the Public Market House will be the site of a UFF cider and kombucha tasting.

Friday — it’s the first day of a chocolate and beer menu at Novare Res, and there will be a wine tasting at Aurora Provisions.

Saturday — Chef Jeff Kingman will be preparing the February Peaks Island Gastro Society dinner, the UFF is teaching an apple tree pruning workshop, LeRoux is holding a sweet and savory crepe cooking demo, and the the Winter Farmers Market is being held.

SundayMan and a Woman is on the schedule for movie night at Petite Jacqueline, Dobra is teaching a Black Tea Workshop, and the 18th Annual Chilli and Chowder Challenge is taking place.

Valentine’s Day — Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Here are the V Day options I’ve heard of so far. Post a comment with info for others that I should add to the list.

  • Bar Lola, $45, 5-course dinner with optional wine pairings
  • BiBo’s Madd Apple Cafe, $40 3-course dinner
  • Bresca, 5-course Paris 2066 Dinner, $65 per person, $100 per person with wine pairings
  • Cinque Terre, 5-course on February 13 and 14, $59.95
  • East Ender, 3-courses $40 with the option of wine pairings for $18
  • El Rayo Cantina, is putting together a special Valentine’s Day menu
  • Five Fifty-Five, your choice of $75 or $100 5-course meals in the restaurant or a 3-course $55 dinner in the lounge
  • Gelato Fiasco, Valentine-themed red, pink, white, and chocolate flavors
  • Geno’s Rock Club will be the venue for the Local Muscle Valentine’s Day Film Festival
  • Novare Res, Sweet Marguerites chocolates paired with beer from the Novare Res menu, February 10-14
  • Peaks Island Gastro Society, $100 6-course prix fixe with wine pairings on Saturday February 11
  • Petite Jacqueline, $65 4-course dinner with optional wine pairings
  • Sea Glass, 4-course dinner $62
  • Sea Grass Bistro, 4-course $65
  • Sebago Brewing, is offering a special Valentine’s Day menu
  • The Inn on Peaks Island, 3-course dinner, $55 includes a champagne toast
  • The Frog & Turtle, $45 3-course
  • The Salt Exchange has posted their Valentine’s Day menu
  • Vignola, 4-course, $39.95
  • Wine Wise, Wine & Chocolate Pairings, $35
  • Zackery’s, serving a special Valentine’s Day menu
  • Zapoteca, $40 with optional pairings for $20, served February 10-14

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Shipyard’s Sewer Bills

In a pair of articles the Press Herald has reported on the situation that lead to Shipyard being under-billed for its sewer charges. Here’s an excerpt from Friday’s article,

Maine’s largest brewery, the Shipyard Brewing Co., has been billed for only a fraction of its sewer usage since 1996, an apparent oversight that has cost the city of Portland hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in lost revenue.

and the follow-up piece that appeared on Saturday.

Shipyard, the largest brewery in Maine, has been paying the full sewer fees since March. The additional fees amount to roughly $300,000 a year, based on current production levels.

A retired Portland Water District employee said last month that Peterson told him in 1996 that all of the water was going into bottles and that no sewer account was needed.

Under Construction: Blue Lobster Urban Winery

A new venture called Blue Lobster Urban Winery has applied for a liquor license to operate a wine bar at 61 India Street. Take a look at this interactive presentation that the owners have published that outlines the concept for their new business. According to documents filed with the City they hope to open in May. A draft menu (page 54) was submitted as part of their application.

Gorgeous Gelato in the Park & SoPo Winter Market

This week’s issue of the Forecaster reports that Gorgeous Gelato will be join Bite into Maine and 2 other vendors in running food carts in Fort Williams Park.

Giovine said he opened his Portland business on Fore Street about a week before Christmas in 2010, giving him plenty of time to create a smooth operation before the spring and summer tourist seasons. He said he is importing a cart from Italy to sell gelato at Fort Williams, and prefers to be closer to Portland Head Light because it has more foot traffic than Cove Beach.

Also in this week’s issue is an article on the challenges faced by the South Portland Winter Farmers Market.

Six month after holding its inaugural bazaar, the city’s first weekly farmers market is still struggling for customers.

If traffic doesn’t improve, organizers say the market may not survive.

Dinner Review of Schulte & Herr

The Golden Dish has published a review of Schulte & Herr.

My friends each had the borscht and the potato pancakes. The latter are some of the lightest examples of this dish, intensely good, cloudlike rounds that are crisp all at once. The borscht revealed a complex broth enhanced by the assertive flavor of oxtail enriching the deep red soup. It was a sensational version in a sea of soppy renditions that one is apt to encounter elsewhere.

Blackbird Eats Two Fat Cats

Blackbird Baking has bought Two Fat Cats,

We are very happy and excited to announce that Blackbird Baking Company has bought and now owns Two Fat Cats Bakery at 47 India Street in Portland’s Old Port.   It’s been a long process, but everything has come together and ownership changed hands on January 31, 2012.  We’re very excited and pleased to have such a wonderful staff now working for us at Two Fat Cats.