Sea Change Cooking School

Today’s Press Herald includes an  interview with Michelle Goldman, the founder of Sea Change Cooking School.

The first class she held focused on gluten-free baking and took place in December at the Danforth Inn in Portland. Since then, she’s offered classes on a variety of topics in a number of different locations.

Beginning tonight, Goldman will be hosting a series of classes around the state.


Prom Restaurant Etiquette

Portland Daily Sun columnist Natalie Ladd makes some observation on the intersection of prom season and restaurants.

Prom season hit Greater Portland with a corsaged-vengeance these past few weekends, and along with it the annual grievances that plague high-end restaurants when Johnny’s mom calls to make a reservation for an unknown number (Billy isn’t sure his date has enough money to pay for her own dinner and Wendy is a raw food vegan this week) of 16- and 17-year-old kids.

This Week’s Events

TuesdaySea Change Cooking is holding an olive oil tasting at the Woodlands Club in Falmouth.

Wednesday — Frog & Turtle is hosting a beer dinner and the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — there will be a wine tastings at Rosemont on Brighton and at Browne Trading, and The Great Lost Bear is showcasing a selection of beers from the Sixpoint Brewery.

Saturday — the Deering Oaks Farmers Market is taking place.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Phoenix Proposal for Farmers Market

The Portland Phoenix has proposed a system for ranking applicants for open slots at the farmers market.

The idea would be that, upon the opening of a slot at one of the markets, every applicant would be scored according to this chart (or whatever this chart is revised into). The highest-scoring vendor would be first admitted. If there were more than one slot available, then the slots would be assigned based on score.