Brunch Review of Vignola

The Portland Phoenix has published a brunch review of Vignola.

So, panic aside, I chose the Vignola omelette with tomatoes, basil, bruschetta, and Vignola potatoes. The potato part alone was worth it. In addition to using a mixture of potato varieties, including purple potatoes, it also had olives, roasted red peppers, and capers mixed in. While these additions certainly added a strong olive-oil component to the dish, frankly, what is an Italian meal without a good dose of olive oil?

The Best Cookie

Appetite Portland shares her struggles in filling out the Portland Phoenix readership poll in a city awash with good food,

I’m telling you, it was epic. Brow furrowed, I hunched over my laptop, punching things in and erasing — sweating over “most romantic restaurant” and “best pizza” as if my opinions meant life and death.

but doesn’t hesitate to endorse Scratch’s as peanut butter cookie as Best Cookie.

Bungling Boonies?

Food for Thought weighs in on the challenges organizers face in launching a Winter farmers’ market in Portland.

The market organizers thought Portland was a natural area of growth for a winter market –set to open next week–a larger venue for farmers to pull in much needed income off season that helps to keep their farming efforts viable year-round…What the city of Portland has done is to impose outrageous fees that the farmers  can’t afford.

Brew Off at USM

Both Wicked Joe and Coffee by Design are vying to become USM’s new coffee supplier according to an article in the USM Free Press.

A survey this week will give students a chance weigh in on the future of USM’s coffee offerings, as dining services seeks to switch to a local supplier in a push for a ‘greener’ bean.

“We are trying to work within our sustainability goals and make more purchases from local suppliers,” said Mark Allen, director of USM’s dining services.

Portland’s Farmers’ Market Ordinance

Today’s Press Herald delves into the ordinance governing farmers’ markets in the city and how that’s impacting the organizers of the new Winter market.

When the group that coordinates the Brunswick Winter Market announced plans to open a similar market in a building on Free Street, its organizers didn’t think they would have to comply with a city ordinance governing the farmers markets in Deering Oaks and Monument Square.

Though the winter market isn’t affiliated with the Portland Farmers Market and won’t operate on city-owned property, Portland officials see it differently.