Smokin’ Sausage Showdown IV

After a 5-year hiatus, The Bollard has published the results of the 4th edition of their local smoked sausage review.

From 2007 to 2010, this was an almost-annual competition in which links from local butcher shops and markets vied for top honors in three categories: Hot Italian, Sweet (or Mild) Italian, and Wildcard. After a five-year hiatus prompted by my move out of state, the Showdown returned last month with some new competitors alongside seasoned veterans, as well as a couple new tasters to assist the usual officiating crew

First Review of Joy’s Crepe Cafe

The Press Herald has reviewed Joy’s Crepe Cafe.

And the Mr. Crabby itself? Once it came out of the kitchen, I didn’t really care anymore about the price. It was simple and delicious. The crabmeat comes from The Fishermen’s Net next door, and it’s mixed with just a little Japanese mayonnaise – enough to hold it together and add some flavor, but not enough to overwhelm the taste of the crab. The crabmeat was fresh, bright and left me wanting more.

I was very impressed with the crepes, which were ultra thin and the perfect texture. I could bite right through them easily, but they held together well. I would definitely order the Mr. Crabby again.

Review of Boone’s

The Blueberry Files has reviewed Boone’s.

When the boyfriend suggested Boone’s for his mom’s birthday dinner, my first response was, no way. Then I thought, ugh, don’t be such a B, give it a shot. It’s a nice restaurant on the water, and I wanted to have an open mind about the food there. I called and made a reservation for a Monday night – I asked to sit outside, but they don’t make reservations for the outside decks. So we crossed our fingers and went.

If you want to be all TL;DR about it, the takeaway is that the food is fine, the service was not so fine, and I was unfortunately not impressed despite trying to find a silver lining.

Milly’s Skillet Moving in September

The Forecaster reports that Peaks Island food truck Milly’s Skillet will be moving to Falmouth in September.

[Owner Molly] Ritzo said the Falmouth truck, which will set up at 226 Gray Road, will offer more of a farm-to-table menu, with breakfast items, soups, salads and sandwiches.

“I want to be the morning stop for people,” Ritzo said, adding she will also have prepared meals for customers to take home.

Bon Appetit Top 50: East Ender and Tandem Bakery

Bon Appétit has included both East Ender and Tandem Coffee + Bakery in their list of 50 nominees for this year’s best new restaurants.

Every year, we announce the Bon Appétit Hot 10, our list of America’s Best New Restaurants. And it all starts with these 50 nominees. Over the last several months, Andrew Knowlton and Julia Kramer criss-crossed the country seeking out the truly original, innovative, and unexpected cooking taking place right now. These are the spots that killed it this year. The restaurants range from a quintessential French bistro to a place that serves pretty much only hummus, an eclectic brewpub to a vodka-soaked Russian joint. The one thing they have in common is this: flat-out deliciousness. Which ones of these 50 nominees will earn a spot in the Hot 10? Check back August 18 to find out.

Under Construction: The Purple House (Updated)


Krista Kern Desjarlais has bought a small property in North Yarmouth where she plans to open a wood-fired bakery called The Purple House. The bakery is located at 378 Walnut Hill Rd, at the intersection of routes 9 and 115. Desjarlais will be serving Montreal-style bagels and wood-fired pastries along with Cuban coffee in the mornings. Ice cream will be on the menu year-round.

Desjarlais will also serve daily sit-down lunch in the 8-seat bakery as well as a monthly prix fixe dinners.

As you can see in the photo, the property does need some TLC to be ready and the wood-fired oven needs to be built, so the The Purple House is not likely to open until very late in 2015 or early next year.

Update: The Press Herald has interviewed Desjarlais and published an article about The Purple House.

This Week’s Events: Oxbow, Cookbook Club, Indonesian Dinner, USBG, Working Waterfront Women, Mystery Dinner

MondayLolita is hosting a tapas event and Oxbow tap takeover, and the Longfellow cookbook club is getting together to discuss Eating In Maine by Jillian & Malcolm Bedell.

TuesdayThe Honey Paw is holding Indonesian dinner in collaboration with Kaki Lima, and the local chapter of the US Bartenders’ Guild is having a meeting at Ri Ra.

Wednesday — author Kate McCarty will be at Maine Craft Distilling to sign copies of her book Distilled in Maine, the Monument Square Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Friday — The Public Library is displaying an exhibit on the Working Women of Portland’s Waterfront, Rosemont on Commercial and the West End Deli are holding a wine tastings.

Saturday — there will be a wine tasting at LeRoux Kitchen, and the Deering Oaks Farmers’ Market is taking place.

SundayLeslie Oster from Aurora Provisions is the featured chef at this week’s Cultivating Community Twilight Dinner.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.