Review of The Honey Paw

The Maine Sunday Telegram has reviewed The Honey Paw.

A chef once told me that restaurants are a lot like relatives. There are those you visit frequently and always enjoy, a few you see only on special occasions, and several you tolerate. If you’re lucky, though, there are one or two you want to know better. Sure, they have a few quirks, but they’re bright, creative, known for their good taste, and filled with such energy that you look forward to your next encounter…The Honey Paw is that last kind of restaurant.

International Foodservice Editorial Council

ifecThe International Foodservice Editorial Council (IFEC) is holding their annual conference in Portland this November.

The IFEC is “a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the overall quality of business-to-business communication within the foodservice industry and to encouraging high professional and aesthetic standards among those working in and with the foodservice media.”

Maine Winners at ACS Cheese Competition

Maine cheesemakers took home 10 awards from this year’s American Cheese Society competition, reports the Maine Cheese Guild.

From among 267 companies submitting 1,779 entries seven Maine cheese makers won ten awards including four 1st place ribbons, four 2nd place, and two 3rd place ribbons.

You can see the complete list of winners on the competition website.

Interview with Heather Sanborn

The Portland Phoenix has interviewed Heather Sanborn, co-owner of Rising Tide.

KB: You have a small rack of barrels aging in the back of the brewery. Will that be a bigger part of your model going forward, or are your barrel-aged beers more of a side project?
HS: I think that remains to be seen. Right now we don’t have more space for barrel aging, but that’s about to change. We have a 8,000 square foot warehouse in Westbrook that’s coming online in about three weeks. We just hired somebody to manage it and we leased a box truck that we’re going to use to bring things back and forth. So we should have a lot more space for barrel storage soon. Then it’s really just a process of ramping up that barrel program over time. It takes a long time to build up a successful barrel program at any kind of scale.

Peak Organic’s National Reach

The Boston Globe has a report on Peak Organic’s expansion into markets across the country.

Peak products are now available in cities beyond New York; they’re all along the East Coast and in California, reflective of their 29 percent overall growth in 2014. Cadoux credits the expansion to thriving restaurant scenes in Miami, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Boston, and a sales staff focused on selling the brew as a good beer for food.

Interview with El Rayo

The Portland Phoenix has published an interview with El Rayo general manager Kate Poze.

LO: What do you tell your wait staff the secret is to excellent service?
KP: Always make eye contact, be attentive, accommodating and personal, know the menu. Control the chaos and be ahead of your tables, ask if they would like another drink before their glass is bone dry, mark their table, and don’t serve them soup without a spoon.