Pepperclub to Stay in Portland

The Forecaster reports the Pepperclub is planning to remain in Portland rather than move to Kennebunk.

With the help of real estate brokers and input from customers, Sawyer is now looking for a new home for the restaurant after its lease expires in September.

“We are not looking to move out of the greater Portland area,” [co-owner Melissa Sawyer] said.

Sawyer said the Good Egg Cafe, which reopened about seven years ago as the Pepperclub’s breakfast arm, will also continue to operate.

Interview with Kate McCarty

The Huffington Post has published an interview with Kate McCarty, author of Portland Food.

In your opinion, what is it about the Portland food community that inspires so much creativity?
The low cost of entry and accessibility (e.g. rents, prime space) is attractive to many chefs, as well as our abundant local ingredients like produce, cheese, meat, and seafood. Everyone in Maine is into making things, whether it’s cured meats or beer or blueberry jam. All of the chefs I talked to while researching Portland Food mentioned how supportive and collaborative the food and restaurant industry is. We don’t have the same competitiveness in the restaurant industry that they have even just down the road in Boston. All these factors created this incredible restaurant scene for a city of our size.


First Review of Timber

The Golden Dish has reviewed Timber.

The double-thick (huge) pork chop had a wonderful glaze of Maine blueberry sauce, more pungent than sweet.  It’s local pork, too, though not pastured but corn fed.  It had great flavor and was exceedingly tender for such a thick cut.  It’s flash-grilled at very high heat, the secret to making cuts like this buttery soft.

This Week’s Events: Lobster Roll Rumble, CN Shawarma, Flea Bites, Old Port Festival

Wednesday — the Monument Square Farmers Market is taking place.

Thursday — several Maine restaurants will be in NYC competing in the Lobster Roll Rumble, and the Great Lost Bear is showcasing beer from Smuttynose.

Friday — CN Shawarma (facebook, twitter, instagram) is launching their new food truck, the movie Craft is being screened at Allagash, and the first Flea Bites food truck street festival in is taking place at the Portland Flea for All.

Saturday — the 10th Annual Vegetarian Food Festival is taking place as is the Deering Oaks Farmers Market, it’s the 3rd Annual Maine Open Winery Day and Leroux will be having a wine tasting.

Sunday — the 41st Annual Parking Old Port Festival is taking place.

Negroni Week — the Hunt & Alpine club is participating in Imbibe magazine’s Negroni Week charity event. As part of the program Hunt & Alpine will be donating $2 to Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Southern Maine for every Classic Negroni, Barrel-Aged Negroni, and Sbagliato (bubbly negroni) sold June 2-8.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Uni is the New Bacon & WF’s Local Forager

Today’s Maine Sunday Telegram includes an interview with Kristen Bartlett, the Whole Foods staffer who tracks down locally made foods for the store’s shelves,

Is this a problem for her at parties? Is she swarmed by local farmers, waving organic broccoli and apple butters? Not yet, she says, though she wonders what will happen after her photo is published in Source.

and an article about Uni being declared the “new bacon” by Food & Wine magazine.

High-end restaurants in major cities have been experimenting with uni for a while, Branchina said. What’s more interesting to him is the big jump Browne Trading has seen in retail sales online: a 54 percent increase between 2012 and 2013, and so far in 2014, up 93 percent from the previous January to May.

Review of Blue Rooster Stadler Dog

Chubby Werewolf has published a review of the Cara Stadler hot dog on the menu this week at Blue Rooster. This is the first of a summer long guest chef hot dog series at the Rooster.

The generous helping of fresh cilantro and the cool mayo atop the dog worked to balance out any heat coming from the ssam sauce (which was on the bun itself). Meanwhile, the kimchi was pleasant and much more mild than I anticipated. I really didn’t sense that the scallions had much of a presence on this hot dog, but I didn’t miss it in the company of the other ingredients. The best part was my second bite, when I got the first taste of bacon in tandem with that kimchi.