Review of Kim’s Sandwich & Cafe

Dispatch has published a review of Kim’s, the banh mi shop on Saint John Street.

When I was finally alone with my sandwich I could really take the time to savior it. The French baguette roll was just crispy enough on the outside with a soft, chewy interior. Inside the baguette was coated with a creamy and mild pork pate and a small amount of mayonnaise creating a delicious spread. The ham and bologna cold cuts were piled high and topped with crunchy pickled carrots, daikon and cucumber. The sub was finished with a couple sprigs of fresh cilantro. The bread, meat and veggie combo was perfectly balanced and allowed each flavor to come through while working together to create a killer sandwich. I will definitely be back for more Bahn Mi’s, especially for this price!

LD 1082: Growler Sales at Beer Stores

Maine law currently allows for brewers to fill and sell growlers (half gallon refillable containers) on site at their brewery. There’s now a bill before the Maine Legislature (LD 1082) that would enable beer stores to sell beer from a variety of brewers in growlers. The next step in the process is a hearing before the Veterans and Legal Affairs on the 24th.

For more information read these recent posts from Insurance Guy Beer Blog and The Beer Babe who writes,

Imagine walking into your favorite beer store…When you walk in, you are greeted by the usual selection of bottled beer, but you see something new as well. Instead of being limited to what can be bottled or put in cans, you could also have the option to fill a growler – a glass refillable container – with local beer from all over the state. These beers might include those that you would never have the chance to otherwise sample unless you took a trip to the brewery itself.

If My Coaster Could Talk interviewed Greg Norton, owner of theBier Cellar in Portland, and Eric Mihan, owner of Bangor Wine & Cheese about the law.

Maine #2 for Locavorism

Maine was ranked 2nd in the nation for access to local food in the Stroll’s Locavore Index.

Using recent indicator data from multiple sources, the Index incorporates farmers markets, consumer-supported agriculture operations (CSAs) and food hubs in its per-capita comparison of consumers’ interest in eating locally-sourced foods — also known as locavorism.

The top five states for locavorism, according to the Index, in order, are Vermont (first), Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Iowa, while the bottom five are Texas (last), Florida, Louisiana, Arizona and Nevada.

This Week’s Events: Easter European Wine Dinner, Rising Tide Showcase, Farmhouse Funkadelic at Novare, Taste of the Nation Tickets

Tuesday — the monthly Local Foods Networking Breakfast is taking place at Local Sprouts, and Caiola’s and Devenish Wines are collaborating on a dinner which features wine from Hungary, Croatia, Austria, and Slovenia.

ThursdayNot So Hush Hush (sold out), and the Great Lost Bear is showcasing a select of beers from Rising Tide.

Saturday — there will be a wine tasting at Browne Trading, Novare Res is featuring 15+ beers from Oxbow Brewing with food pairing prepared by Browne Trading for the 2nd Annual Farmhouse Funkadelic, and the Winter Farmers Market is taking place.

Sunday — Rosemont is holding a Spanish wine event, and Petite Jacqueline is screening the movie Paris When It Sizzles for movie night.

Taste of the Nation — the 2013 Taste of the Nation is scheduled to take place June 23 at Wolfe’s Neck Farm in Freeport. Tickets are now on sale. The annual event raises money to combat childhood hunger in the Maine. Last year’s Taste of the Nation sold out and raised over $170,000.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Between the Tinez

Joe Fournier, manager of the Munjoy Hill Rosemont Market, has begun a video blog called Between the Tinez (website, Facebook) where he posts informal and somewhat random conversations with local food vendors. The discussions can range anywhere from GI Joe to sightings of wild boars in Western Maine to just about anything under the sun.

In the latest episode Joe talks to Ned Swain (Devenish Wines) about…well it’s hard to exactly say but it involves hatless Communists, Ninja’s, a green Ford Expedition and run through the Old port.

Under Construction: Portland Hunt & Alpine Club

PHaAC_logoPortland Hunt & Alpine Club (website, Facebook, Twitter) has leased 75 Market Street, the former location of Simply Home, as the spot for their new craft cocktail bar. The owners have been search high and low for just the right location even before they initially shared plans for the new bar back in November. You’ll be able to get wander amongst the bars at The Grill Room, Sonny’s and the Hunt & Alpine Club without leaving sight of Post Office Park.

The plans for the space include room for about 50 people in the main bar area with room for additional 10-12 in the private Lodge Members room. Owners Briana and Andrew Volk anticipate opening sometime in mid-Summer. If you just can’t wait that long, consider buying a ticket to the Not So Hush Hush cocktail event they’re holding this Thursday in conjunction with Eventide.


Three Sheets Bar Recommendations

Three Sheets Manufacturing has put together a set of recommendations selected from among the more established cocktail destinations in town.

I’m often asked where to go for a great cocktail in Portland, or where I go for drinks. I realize that the answer is increasingly varied depending on the fix I’m after. We thought it would be a good exercise to start cataloging those locations and what to get while you’re there. So, to start, Portland Comfort Classics… The places that I’ve had on my radar for at least a few years for whatever it is they do well.

They plan on posting another set recommendations that highlight best bets among the newer spots in town.

Dishcrawl Tours

According to a report from Maine a la Carte, Dishcrawl Tours (website, Twitter) is setting up a service in Portland and plans on starting tours in early May.

“At the first three restaurants, they get a trio of smaller-sized foods,” says Mary Soule, the Portland Dishcrawl “ambassador” who will be leading the tours. “And while they’re eating, hopefully the chef or at least the owner will come out and talk to people about the food and about the restaurant, the background and history of it. So instead of just sampling the food that the restaurant has to offer, it’s about really building a community with the locals and the chefs in their own towns.”

Portland’s food tour options have expanded quite a bit in the last year. In addition to Dishcrawl, you now can also choose from: Maine Foodie Tours, Wine Wise, The Maine Brew Bus, Maine Beer Tours and Maine Cocktail Tours.