The Holy Donut Opening Friday Morning

The Holy Donut is scheduled to open Friday morning at 6:30. The new donut shop and production kitchen is located on Park Ave in the building that had been the long time home of Terroni’s Market.

Owner Leigh Kellis is planning on scaling up to sell 12 varieties each day. The menu for tomorrow’s grand opening includes sweet potato ginger, dark chocolate with mocha glaze, bacon cheddar, and an old-fashioned buttermilk with heath bar frosting.

Reviews of Sabor Latino, Becky’s and Brian Boru

The Portland Phoenix has published a review of Sabor Latino,

The actual cuisine fits perfectly too. This is especially true of the fantastic pupusas — a Salvadoran specialty that is both the best and cheapest thing on the menu ($2!). These pretty patties of cornmeal and cheese are delicate to handle, rich with the aroma, and perfectly prepared in the classic style. The cheese pupusa, and a revuelta made with mix of pork, cheese, and beans, are both quite good. But the true revelation is the loroco — in which the soft cheese blends with a mash made of green flowerbud, which gives it a bitter-vegetal flavor in the family of green beans.

the Press Herald has published an Eat & Run review of Becky’s,

The second big reminder came when my hash arrived. It was the day’s homemade corned beef hash special, which included the hash, two eggs, home fries and toast for $8.25.

The hash had big shreds of tender corned beef, onions, potatoes and tiny flecks of carrots. On top was a wonderful dark-brown crust, keeping all the hash’s moisture and flavor sealed in.

also in today’s Press Herald is a bar review of Brian Boru.

Brian Boru on Center Street stands out from the crowd with its bright-red exterior and giant Guinness toucan mural painted on the side of the building. For as bright as the building is outside, the inside captures the essence of an Irish public house perfectly.

Chowder Reviews: Gilbert’s, Susan’s, The Farmer’s Table, Old Port Sea Grill, J’s Oyster Bar, Fishermen’s Grill

For this months collaborative food blogging project the group decided to focus on a classic New England dish: Chowder. Not that clear seafood broth that Rhode Islanders claim is chowder or the tomato inflected concoction the they call chowder in New York but the real deal hearty New England chowder. The perfect comfort food for cold, wet and rainy days on the coast.

As you’ll read below the experiences ran the gamut from the chowder that should have been better but wasn’t (Gilbert’s) to the chowder that wasn’t expected to be good but was (Susan’s) and everything in between. Also this month we have a perfect illustration of how dedicated Portland food bloggers are to their craft, Anna @ Instant Portland risked anaphylactic shock due to a seafood allergy to contribute to this month’s topic.

Edible ObsessionsGilbert’s Chowder House

It’s disappointing because I’ve had some wonderful chowder on past visits to Gilbert’s. Perhaps the high turnover in the summer months just makes for a better, and fresher, chowder. Either way, this one fell short of my expectations and failed to impress V. on her first visit in. read the full article

From AwaySusan’s Fish and Chips

Sure, it’s a little grimy, with about as much ambiance as you’d find if you decided to eat a seafood dinner in the back of a bus station. Where Susan’s surprises, however, is in its expertly-fried seafood and chowder which has no reason to be as fresh and expertly prepared as it is, served at a price point that seems like a holdover from the 1980s. I’ve paid easily twice as much for a fried clam or haddock dinner at other, perhaps more scenic establishments, and been much, much less pleased with the overall experience than I was with the food served at Susan’s Fish & Chips. read the full article

Instant PortlandThe Farmer’s Table

The haddock chowder was perfectly cooked – each ingredient had achieved a melt-in-your-mouth tenderness while still retaining their basic structural integrity and individual flavor profiles. The dish was amazingly rich, and half-way through the bowl the flavor became almost too buttery, but the judicious application of a little pepper brought everything back into balance and left me warmed through and satisfied. read the full article

The Blueberry FilesOld Port Sea Grill

Being that A. is actually from Maine (woooo), and therefore an expert on chowders, moose, and the ocean, I grilled him on his definition of a good chowder. He said, lots of seafood, thick (like can stand a spoon up in it), and a good tasting broth. While this chowder didn’t meant the density criteria, it stood up on all other accounts. The broth was nice and flavorful, it had lots of bacon and clams, cute little slices of fingerling potatoes, and a nice little mince of carrots and celery on top. read the full article

Vin et GrubJ’s Oyster Bar

I ordered two different chowders on my most recent trip to J’s. Their version of clam chowder and a fish chowder. I didn’t like either. The clam chowder, which was supposed to have bacon, was incredibly bland. It only took three or four readjustment of seasoning for me to be relatively pleased. Here’s what was upsetting– the clams were small, the potatoes were overcooked, and thus the chowder fell short. It was one note to say the very least– definitely not horrific, just incredibly mediocre. read the full article

Vrai-lean-uhFishermen’s Grill

Happily, the chowder was amazing. I honest-to-God did not think this was going to happen. I thought it would be mediocre and I would write a long thing about how chowder from restaurants anywhere is terrible and extoll the benefits of cooking from scratch. But it was really, really good chowder. The top was sprinkled generously with black pepper and minced parsley and there were tons of big chunks of not-overcooked clam. The chowder was thick, but creamy and smooth, not starchy or gluey and wonderfully flavorful. The marble rye was amply buttered. It was so good. I instantly regretted not ordering a bowl. read the full article

As for my recommendations I’d suggest you try the haddock chowder at Caiola’s or if your looking for something a little different the haddock and rice soup topped with celery leaves on the specials menu at Boda.

This Week’s Events: PSO Wine Dinner, Bourbon Dinner, Stout Bout, St. Patrick’s Day

Monday — Dobra is holding Japanese Tea tasting.

TuesdayVin et Grub is hosting a dinner club.

Wednesday — The annual PSO Wine Dinner & Auction is taking place, Bunker Brewing is holding a launch party for their newest beer, and Wine Wise is leading an French Whites wine walk.

Thursday — The Salt Exchange is hosting an Ides of March bourbon dinner and The Great Lost Bear is holding their annual Stout Bout.

Saturday — Brian Boru is opening at 6 am for an Saint Patrick’s Day breakfast, and the Winter Farmers Market is taking place at the Irish Heritage Center.

Sunday — the Urban Farm Fermentory will beaching a shitake mushroom growing workshop.

All Month — Starting on Thursday and running throughout the month of March, Grace, Miyake, Pai Men Miyake and the Foreside Tavern in Falmouth will make a donation to fight hunger in Maine for every 3- or 7-course meal you order. “The idea that there are children in our state the are hungry is simply unacceptable to us. When we learned that each dollar raised connects a child with ten meals we knew we could make an impact right here in our own community.” said Anne Verrill, owner of Grace & The Foreside Tavern.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Under Construction: Y-Limes & Maine Squeeze

Three new updates for the Under Construction list:

  • Y-Limes Gourmet opened their new shop in the Public Market House this weekend. They’re located on the first floor adjacent to K. Horton’s cheese shop.
  • The restaurant under construction on Fore Street will be called Sebastian’s at Boothby Square
  • Maine Squeeze Juice Cafe has announced that they’ll be opening a second location on the 2nd floor of the Public Market House.

Ruth G. Leadbetter, 92

Ruth Leadbetter passed away on Friday at the age of 92. Mrs. Leadbetter and her husband founded The Lobster Shack at Two Lights in 1969.

Ruth and Jim opened The Lobster Shack at Two Lights in Cape Elizabeth in 1969. In the early 1970’s they opened The Candle Shack, a gift shop next door to the restaurant. These two businesses became a destination point for visitors and locals alike each summer. In 2009 the family was honored to receive the Maine Family-Owned Business of the Year Award. Ruth and Jim continued to run The Candle Shack until his death in 2010.

For more information on the Leadbetters and The Lobster Shack read the article in Monday’s Press Herald.