Portland Food Map is working with the good folks over at The Righteous Russet headquarters to organize the 4th Annual Heirloom Apple Tasting.
The tasting is taking place on October 9th, 2-5 pm at the Fork Food Lab. You’ll be able to try dozens of heritage and rare apple varieties gleaned from orchards in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont as well as tap into a cash bar stocked with several hard ciders from across the region that are well worth drinking.
Have you ever tasted a Hudson Golden Gem, Fameuse, or Thomas Jefferson’s favorite apple, the Esopus Spitzenburg? From the tiny Chestnut Crab to the appropriately named Twenty Ounce, apples offer a wide assortment of tastes, textures, shapes and sizes that are too often underrepresented at the local supermarket or pick-your-own orchard.
Tickets: $10 tickets are on sale at Eventbrite.