Climate Change Hampering Cod Recovery

An article by GMRI scientist in the journal Science concludes that climate change driven warming in the Gulf of Maine is largely responsible for the species failure to recover, reports the Press Herald.

The study by Andrew Pershing, chief science officer at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and 11 colleagues from that and three other research institutions found that warming-related stresses accounted for much of the discrepancy between what managers thought would happen to the stock and what actually occurred. The study was published Thursday in the journal Science.

Here’s a link to the study.

Interview with Chris Gould

Plate has published an interview with Chris Gould, chef and co-owner of Central Provisions.

What meal changed how you feel about food?
I used to ski race, when I was in high school. I was competing in Megeve, France, and we were allowed to go out to dinner one night on our own. I decided I wanted to have a nice dinner. We had chicken liver mousse, and all these things that I had never had, but were incredible. Food was completely different than what I ever thought it was. Another night, while staying at a hostel, the lady who ran it made this veal blanquette, and it was the best thing I had ever eaten. So I stopped skiing and started cooking. I would also bake with my mom and grandmother. This was before cooking was cool, and people were like, ‘why would you do it?’ Now cooking is cool, and nobody wants to work.

Reviews: Rick’s Lobby Cafe, Terlingua, Custom Deluxe, Palace

The Press Herald has reviewed Rick’s Lobby Cafe,

So…about that sandwich. The chicken was of the Boar’s Head persuasion and supremely fresh. The bacon was cooked before my eyes and the Swiss was melted just the right amount. The red peppers retained their all-important crunch and the spinach was green and perfect. The Dijon mustard was applied with a medium hand so it was just the right. This is important to me as too much or too little would have had serious ramifications.

and the Portland Phoenix has reviewed Terlingua.

As in life, the general sourness of things lends the sweet notes greater resonance. So while one starter of pickled egg and sausage was unrelenting in its vinegar-tartness, a ceviche appetizer featured some great sweet shrimp, whose flesh had not been over-cured — they were appealingly tender rather than soggy or rubbery. An entrée offered long pink slices of duck, which had been both cider-cured and smoked. But the resulting hints of bitter and sour mingled with pieces of a pumpkin seed brittle that lent some sweet-anise flavor, reinforced by the accompanying apple cranberry slaw.

The new issue of Down East includes a review of Custom Deluxe in Biddeford. The article isn’t yet available online but photographer Meredith Perdue has posted pictures of the article on her site,

Approachable and affordable with dishes culled from all corners of the world, their Custom Deluxe is also a reflection of Biddeford, a former mill town on the cusp of reinvention.

and The Blueberry Files has posted a review/dining guide for Palace Diner.

It’s hands down, the best French toast I’ve ever had. I didn’t really understand the appeal of French toast until I had theirs. This is how it’s supposed to be – custardy in the middle, crunchy on the edges, and bruleed on top, giving it a crackly, caramelized sweetness. There’s a river of butter and real maple syrup. 


Maine Cider & Salt Water Farm

DEM1511-cover-435x580The November issue of Down East contains a feature on Maine’s burgeoning cider industry,

Buchanan, who just launched his hard cider operation this year, is one of more than a half-dozen Maine orchardists who’ve recently commited themselves to reviving the craft of brewing hard cider. The American colonists’ beverage of choice and a popular drink well into the mid-19th Century, is enjoying a renaissance in Maine on the heels of the state’s boom in craft beers…

and an intimate look at the challenges restaurant owner Annemarie Ahearn experienced as she launched the Salt Water Farm in Rockport.

Last year 170 new restaurants opened in Maine. Statistically, more than a quarter of them won’t make it through their first year. This is the story of one that did – restaurateur Annemarie Ahearn’s ambitious Salt Water Farm – and what it took to get there: bruised egos, broken friendships, and tough lessons about what Mainers want.

The articles aren’t yet available online but you can find copies of the magazine on your local newsstand.

Review of Five Fifty-Five

Peter Peter Portland Eater has reviewed Five Fifty-Five.

Five Fifty-five isn’t cheap; our meal came to almost $130 before tip, but they definitely provide some solid fine dining in a pretty relaxed atmosphere. Owners Steve and Michelle Corry have won numerous awards and also own another restaurant which I’ve previously reviewed and a new pastry joint, so they know what they are doing and our meal experience proved that. They have a great bar/lounge area that is pretty fun and also serve brunch on Sunday if you’re more prone to late morning and early afternoon restaurant visits. Whatever you prefer, Five Fifty-five is a must try if you want to enjoy some of the more angelic, finer tastes in Portland.

This Week’s Events: Hunter’s Bend, Local Brew TV, Hugo’s Halloween, Portland Beer Week, Flanagan’s Table

localbrewtv5Tuesday — The Hunter’s Bend is holding a sold out 8-course mushroom dinner at The Honey Paw, and Liquid Riot is hosting a women’s whiskey tasting.

WednesdayThe Great Lost Bear will be screening the new episode of Local Brew TV, and the Monument Square Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Thursday — a Rising Tide Fall Harvest dinner is taking place at Frog and Turtle, and Coffee by Design is hosting a barista latte art competition.

SaturdayVena’s is holding a Halloween party and Hugo’s is holding their annual Halloween dinner, it’s the bottle release for Foudation’s Moveable Type, and the Deering Oaks Farmers’ Market is taking place.

Sunday – it’s the first day Portland Beer Week,  and Andrew Taylor and Michael Wiley are the featured chefs for a Flanagan’s Table dinner.

For more information on these and other upcoming food happenings in the area, visit the event calendar.

If you are holding a food event this week that’s not listed above, publicize it by adding it as a comment to this post.

Jeremy Bloom, Internet Farmer

The Maine Sunday Telegram has published an article about Jeremy Bloom, Internet Farmer.

Jeremy Bloom is an Internet farmer. Presumably you don’t know what that means. We didn’t either, so we called him up to ask. It turns out he’s a very diversified “farmer,” with his finger in many pies, including software development, urban agriculture, teaching fermentation classes and marketing restaurants.

WholeMade Meal Shares

Earlier this week, the Bangor Daily News reported on WholeMade Meal Shares, a meal delivery service in Portland.

They also know that most people don’t have time to cook those types of meals every day.

Enter WHOLEmade Meal Shares – homemade meal bundles made by the women and distributed for customer pick-up at the beginning of each week.

“We’re cooking for you,” Cimino said. “We’re taking over the food world and reclaiming people’s health. And we’re making it easy for them.”

Under Construction: Intervale Mercantile Co.

Erik Desjarlais has leased 4 School Street in Freeport where he’ll be opening the Intervale Mercantile Co. later this year. This will be the first brick and mortar retail shop for the business since he launched in 2011.

The 900 square foot space will house the Weft & Warp/Intervale workshop and a retail shop for Erik’s knife rolls, aprons, leather products and his line of men’s grooming products. The shop will also feature knives from bladesmiths around the country, vintage chefs knives and tools as well as other products that fit with the overall concept.

For more information on Weft & Warp/Intervale check out their website and instagram page.