Oysters Threatened & a Stonewall Kitchen Profile

Today’s Maine Sunday Telegram includes a report the parasitic disease MSX that’s threatening the oyster industry in Maine,

It was always thought that Maine waters were too cold for the parasite to take hold — until last July. That’s when dead oysters began to show up in the holding rafts, where they are stored for a couple of weeks of de-silting after being harvested from their muddy beds farther up the river.

and profiles of Stonewall Kitchen and its two founders Jonathan King and Jim Stott,

When the partners launched Stonewall Kitchen in 1991, they just wanted to earn a few extra bucks to pay off student loans.

But the market for specialty jams, jellies and sauces, which the partners initially cooked in King’s grandparents’ summer cabin, proved bigger than they imagined. Much bigger.

Under Construction: Exchange Street Cafe

A new sandwich shop, the Exchange Street Cafe, is under construction at 7 Exchange Street. The owner plans to offer “quality food and reasonable prices.” You can see a draft menu (page 67) and floor plan (page 72) in the documents supplied as part of their liquor license application.

If that address sounds familiar it may be because last year an Italian restaurant called Canelli’s was under construction there and in 2009 a sushi bar called Wasabi was slated to open in that spot. Neither ever opened. Hopefully this new venture has better luck.

Voting Begun for the Phoenix Best of Portland Readership Poll

The Portland Phoenix has moved on to the final stage their 2011 Best of Portland readership poll:

  • Step 1, Portlanders wrote in to nominate candidates in any or all of the dozens of categories
  • Step 2, based on the input in step 1, the Phoenix has now published a list of the top nominees from each category for you to vote on

Portland Food Map is a nominee this year for Best Food Blog along with From Away, Mister Meatball, Portland Food Coma and The Spiced Plate.

NY Times: Maine’s Own Organic Milk

The New York Times has published an article about Maine’s Own Organic Milk and the challenges the organic dairy operation faces in trying to in business.

So far, success has been elusive. Ever since its milk began hitting shelves in January 2010, the company has barely managed to stay afloat, relying on a mix of investor money, grants, charitable donations and the kindness of neighbors buying half-gallons in solidarity.

“Our boat is made of duct tape and we’ve almost sunk a few times, but we’re paddling along,” said Mr. Bell, 33.

For more information about Maine’s Own Organic Milk and where to buy it, visit their website.

James Beard Awards Semi-Finalists

The semi-final list of nominees for this year’s James Beard Awards were released today. Several Maine chefs and restaurants are on the list:

  • Best New Restaurant — Shepherd’s Pie in Rockport
  • Outstanding Chef — both hometown favorite Sam Hayward from Fore Street and Melissa Kelly, chef/owner of of Primo in Rockland are in contention
  • Outstanding RestaurantFore Street
  • Best Chef: Northeast — Krista Kern Desjarlais, Bresca; Demos Regas, Emilitsa; Brian Hill, Francine, Camden; and Megan Chase, Penelle Chase, Phoebe Chase, and Ted LaFage, Chase’s Daily, Belfast

Sam Hayward and Melissa Kelly are both past winners in the Best Chef category. Fore Street has been in contention in the Outstanding Restaurant category before. All four semi-finalists for Best Chef: Northeast have been semi-final nominees or nominees in past years in either Best Chef: Northeast or Best New Restaurant.

The final list of nominees will be announced on March 21st and the awards ceremony is scheduled for May 9th.

Congratulations and good luck to them all.

Dinner Review of Hot Suppa

The Portland Phoenix has published a review of the dinner service at Hot Suppa.

While the boudin sausage came in the shape of three perfect snowballs, our other appetizer of fried green tomatoes came as three golden pucks. The slight sourness of the al-dente tomatoes worked well with the light crispy breading. Again, the flavors were pleasant enough that we barely took advantage of the mild remoulade that came alongside. The real star of this appetizer, however, was the pile of cool little bay scallops. The deep smoky flavor worked well with the squishy scallops’ natural sweetness.