- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubThe Golden Dish (11/18/2017)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubWest End News (09/25/2017)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubThe Golden Dish (12/21/2015)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubPeter Peter Portland Eater (11/04/2014)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubPortland Press Herald (08/27/2014)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubPortland Press Herald (12/13/2012)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubBurger Meister Meister (05/22/2012)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubThe Blueberry Files (03/02/2012)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubPortland Press Herald (08/04/2011)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubWhere is Jenner's Mind (11/03/2009)
- Ruski’s Restaurant and PubThe Breakfast Club (12/09/2007)
Ruski's Restaurant and Pub, 212 Danforth St Portland, ME 04102
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