Blue Burrito Cafe in Westbrook received 4 stars from the Eat & Run review in today’s Press Herald.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the meat in my quesadilla was tender and still lightly pink in the center. It came with caramelized poblano peppers, onions and sauteed mushrooms, with sour cream on the side. The smaller version of this dish costs $7, and is plenty for one person’s lunch. A larger version is also available for $8.50, if you’re really hungry or want leftovers.
Today’s paper also includes a What Ales You column on Maine Beer Company, makers of Spring Peeper Ale.
“Even as we speak, we are expanding to a 15-barrel brewhouse, which will speed things up dramatically,” David said.
Not only will their beers be more available when the new system comes online, probably in mid-October, the company will be able to introduce new styles and, perhaps, come closer to making some money.