Upcoming Food & Dining Events

All weekBiddeford & Saco Wine Week is taking place.

Monday – Today is the last day of business at Samuel’s Bar and Grill. Owner Sam Minervino is expecting to open his new establishment the North Deering Tavern soon. Stay tuned for details.

Thursday – Winemaker Hervé Villemade will be at Maine & Loire for a tasting event. Topaz Smith is holding an event where people can “discover Cambodian traditions through dance, savor global flavors and build confidence in navigating diverse ingredients and learning about international cooking techniques.” Contact Smith at topazamanda22@gmail.com to sign-up and for more information. Regards will be hosting a pop-up by their future neighbor Benny’s. Benny’s is a new restaurant being developed by Ramona’s owner Josh Sobel.

Saturday/Sunday – Maine Maple Sunday Weekend is taking place. Visit the Maine Maple Producers Association website to find a sugar shack or two to visit.

Sunday – The Casco Bay Chef’s Association is holding their annual dinner.

March 24Taj and Bar Futo are collaborating on a special 1-night dinner. The Native Maine Food Show is taking place.

March 30Dinner x Friends is holding a pop-up at Lambs, and The Rooted Heart is teaching a gluten-free sourdough baking class.

April 2Chaval is serving a 4-course Northern Italian vegan wine dinner. Steve Mills, CEO of Maine Beer Company, will be the featured guest at the latest session of the Like A Boss interview series.

April 10 – The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is holding a film screening and panel discussion about the ongoing efforts to restore alewives to the Presumpscot River.

April 26SeaFest will be taking place in Westbrook.

May 11 – The 2025 edition of Cider Feast is taking place.

May 17 – The Maine Wild Wine Fest is taking place in Freeport.

May 30 – June 1 – The Maine Fungi Fest is taking place.

June 28 – The Wavy Days beer festival is taking place.

September 14 – The Maine Cheese Festival is taking place in Pittsfield.

September 19-21 – The Common Ground Country Fair is taking place in Unity.

October 12 – The Maine Open Creamery Day is taking place.

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